Oktay Balcı (@oktay__balci) 's Twitter Profile
Oktay Balcı


PhD student & lecturer @unipotsdam @unihalle | researching youth critical consciousness | he/him 🏳️‍🌈 posts in ger/eng

ID: 1664380002266234880

calendar_today01-06-2023 21:15:00

29 Tweet


278 Following

Helen Neville (@helenneville12) 's Twitter Profile Photo

BIPOC psychologists have written extensively on racial trauma & healing. See #RadicalHealingSyllabus and other resources I'll drop in the thread. dr. della is naming herself (she/they) @DoctorBry Dr. Jioni Lewis HYA NYC @GACspeaksout drive.google.com/file/d/1tONPKg…

EduPsy-Halle (@edupsy_cs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢 Reminder - today is the last chance to sign up for the #CDME23 conference as well as accompanying social events! We look forward to seeing you in Halle!

Dr. Tuğçe Aral (@tugcearal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In case some of you missed out, my wonderful resilient friend Lina Alhaddad, PhD defended her PhD dissertation about a month ago. 🏆🥳 The title of her dissertation is “Arabic-speaking refugee youth in Germany at the nexus of adversity and adaptation” Call her Dr. Lina Alhaddad 🎓

In case some of you missed out, my wonderful resilient friend <a href="/lina_alhaddad/">Lina Alhaddad, PhD</a> defended her PhD dissertation about a month ago. 🏆🥳

The title of her dissertation is “Arabic-speaking refugee youth in Germany at the nexus of adversity and adaptation”

Call her Dr. Lina Alhaddad 🎓
Oktay Balcı (@oktay__balci) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Watching you step in front of the desk for your talk was truly remarkable. Thank you for the great keynote and captivating conversations afterwards. And discovering our shared love for Beyoncé? Priceless! ✨🐝

Naika Foroutan (@naikaforoutan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Mag kontraintuitiv sein,aber: Die Zeit ist reif für eine Kommission, die dem defätistischen, von Misstrauen und Abwehr geprägten migrationspolitischen Kanon ein neues Leitbild entgegensetzt. Festung Europa war gestern - heute brauchen wir die #PlazaEuropa focus.de/203146719

Dr. Aldo Barrita🇲🇽🏳️‍🌈✊🏾 (El Profe) (@aldobarrita) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨New Article🚨 "A Decolonial and Liberation Lens to Social Justice Research: Upholding Promises for Diverse, Inclusive, and Equitable Psychological Science" Link: doi.org/10.1037/amp000… A dream come true to be in American Psychologist led by the amazing Dr. Luz Garcini

🚨New Article🚨

"A Decolonial and Liberation Lens to Social Justice Research: Upholding Promises for Diverse, Inclusive, and Equitable Psychological Science"  

Link: doi.org/10.1037/amp000…

A dream come true to be in  American Psychologist 
led by the amazing Dr. Luz Garcini
Ethnic and Racial Studies (@ersjournal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#ERSNew🐣 Frustrated by the categorical cacophony in analyses of #migrants in Europe Gülay Türkmen's paper conceptualizes "categorical astigmatism", invites scholars for a more r#eflexive use of categories in #migration research, and proposes #intersectionality as a way out.


Frustrated by the categorical cacophony in analyses of #migrants in Europe <a href="/gulayturkmen/">Gülay Türkmen</a>'s paper conceptualizes "categorical astigmatism", invites scholars for a more r#eflexive use of categories in #migration research, and proposes #intersectionality as a way out.
Daudi van Veen, PhD (@daudivanveen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The second episode of our podcast Joy in Academia is online!🎙️ Tune in to listen to Onur Şahin and I chat with our guest Judi Mesman about her finding joy through community building, public outreach, and advocacy. Spotify: open.spotify.com/show/1CirZAbGq… Apple: podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/joy…

Savaş Karataş (@savaskaratasphd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Three weeks to submit your research on our special issue in the Journal of Community Psychology. The deadline for abstract submission is April 30th. Please feel free to spread the word. Details here: tinyurl.com/55na3aj7

Three weeks to submit your research on our special issue in the Journal of Community Psychology. 
The deadline for abstract submission is April 30th. Please feel free to spread the word. 
Details here: tinyurl.com/55na3aj7
Ilyas Saliba (@ilyas_saliba) 's Twitter Profile Photo

After Freie Universität & Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin called the police to campus to evict student protest camps we are deeply concerned about the freedom of speech and assembly on campus. This is a joint letter to the university presidents in Berlin. Consider sharing/signing. docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI…

Lars Leszczensky (@lleszczensky) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨👋David Kretschmer und ich suchen zwei wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*innen für ein dreijähriges DFG-Projekt zu geschlechtsspezifischen Mechanismen der sozialen Integration muslimischer Jugendlicher. 1xQuali, 1xQuanti. Mehr Informationen👉shorturl.at/ovilF Gerne teilen!🙏

Lars Leszczensky (@lleszczensky) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨👋 David Kretschmer and I are hiring a PhD student for a three-year project on gendered mechanisms of social integration of Muslim youth. Apply if you are knowledgeable in survey experiments or social network analysis. More information👉shorturl.at/ovilF Please share!🙏

Dr. Tuğçe Aral (@tugcearal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hey followers! Save the date for the 5th Cultural Diversity, Migration, and Education Conference: "Emphasizing Collective Research, Action, and Communication", scheduled to take place in Potsdam, Germany, from August 19 to August 21, 2025.

Hey followers! Save the date for the 5th Cultural Diversity, Migration, and Education Conference: "Emphasizing Collective Research, Action, and Communication", scheduled to take place in Potsdam, Germany, from August 19 to August 21, 2025.