David Cittadino
Superintendent of Schools of the remarkable Old Bridge Community and an eternal Proponent of Positivity! However, the thoughts are mine alone.
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25-07-2013 20:38:03
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Feeling grateful and inspired today! 🌟 A big shoutout to Old Bridge Police NJ for their incredible dedication and service. Cooper School staff came together to spread #OneLove by giving back generously to support their ongoing efforts. 💙 🤍💙🤍#onecommunity #ThankYou David Cittadino

On our first day back together for the 24-25 school year, the OBTPS team demonstrated the power and love of our school community by raising $2056 on behalf of Abigail Walsh to be donated to the rawoodfoundation.org/make-a-donatio… YOU ARE AMAZING #OneLove The Bridge Anthony S. Ferraro

Sometimes the first day of school can be scary. Daisy often helps children get over the fear and enter the classroom feeling brave and supported. #OneLove CrisisCanines The Bridge

Miller School students had a special visit on our second day of school from Mr. Cittadino, our superintendent and Daisy! What a wonderful surprise! Daisy, please come and visit anytime! We had a great first week of school. millerptaob David Cittadino

OBHS Football Knights w/the win over Edison today! The Marching Knights as always, were having a great time playing stands tunes and performing their show “UKnighted” at halftime, this week with @obdanceteam! Go Knights Go! 🎶💜🖤🩶🤍 Mrs. Fazio 💜 David Cittadino The Bridge

Yesterday morning, our honor guard presented the colors at the USA themed football game at Lombardi Field! Rory Doolittle Mrs. Fazio 💜 David Cittadino Old Bridge Township Air Force Junior ROTC

The OBHS Marching Knights are hard at work putting together this year’s awesome show, Time in a Bottle. And in just a couple of weeks, the competitive season begins! Be sure to come out & support these amazing students! OBHS Announcements Mrs. Fazio 💜 David Cittadino The Bridge

Tonight, the OBHS Wind Ensemble performed at the 9/11 memorial ceremony to honor Old Bridge residents who were lost, playing “With Each Sunset Comes the Promise of a New Day”. Mrs. Fazio 💜 The Bridge David Cittadino

Some beautiful scenes from last evening’s OB Township September 11 remembrance ceremony. Thank you to our Choir, Jr AFROTC, and Band students, advisors, and families that were in attendance. Old Bridge Township The Bridge

Photos from an amazing Holiday Knight Toy Drive at Old Bridge, where the school community collected hundreds of new toys for donation to pediatric patients and children in need. More to come from The Marisa Tufaro Foundation about this remarkable event. photos.app.goo.gl/44MpceD9nXhPvY…

This fall, my team was able to distribute nearly 200 backpacks of school supplies to families in need. Today, I was able to acquire another allotment through community partnerships that benefit our children. The Bridge ¥#OneLove #OneOB

It’s unfortunate then in 2024 social media, threats, and concerns are a constant reality that needs to be investigated. Thankfully, in this matter, any local concern is unwarranted. The following information was emailed to all staff and families. Thank you OBPD The Bridge