North West Drama
Drama for Learning. 2024/25: The Children’s Shakespeare Festivals “O Brave New World” #CSFTempest & #SpeechBubbles
ID: 1712042922
https://linktr.ee/northwestdrama 30-08-2013 07:38:21
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And tomorrow we will be in #Kent with Trinity Theatre and in #GreaterManchester with M6 Theatre Company North West Drama peoplescape theatre otwoldham #Oracy #SpeakingAndListening #CulturalLearning

Our Y4s have worked their socks off learning King Lear culminating in an incredible performance at The Royal Exchange. They performed with confidence and pernach! Thank you North West Drama for another fantastic year. #growinginhopeandaspiration #growinginknowledgeskillsandwisdom

Another great day #evaluating, sharing #ideas and #experiences with our partners, drama practitioners and schools. Thank you to Trinity Theatre North West Drama Peoplescape, @m6theatre and otwoldham for today!

Thank you 23-24 partners! M6 Theatre Company otwoldham peoplescape theatre North West Drama Herts Inclusive Immediate Theatre Kazzum Arts 🧡 Half Moon Theatre Bounce Theatre💙 London Bubble Theatre Trinity Theatre looking forward to being joined by Bristol Old Vic As final school assessments come in we are proud that...

In this ‘Commission Conversation’ @realgeoffbarton talks to Adam Power-Annand about using drama to support speaking and listening in Key Stage 1. open.spotify.com/episode/3aOLyQ…