North-South Centre of the Council of Europe
The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe promotes dialogue and cooperation between Europe, the South of the Mediterranean and Africa.
ID: 372897688 13-09-2011 16:33:26
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"Education is key to achieving social justice & respect of individual & collective rights". Verónica Gómez "We are deeply convinced that only a universal human rights-based approach will be able to solve the most urgent global crises of our time". Manfred Nowak Global Campus of Human Rights
Today, we have the honour to receive the members of the Bureau and the Executive Committee for one full day of exchanges about the new strategy, youth networks & Africa, with interventions of Bjørn Berge, the #NorthSouthPrize Laureates & the Minister of Justice of Lebanon
We are pleased to have Lebanon as a new associate member of the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe, as a clear reflection of the enhanced priority given to the external dimension of the Council of Europe in line with Reykjavik Declaration. With the Minister of Justice #Henry_Al_Khoury we exchanged on the situation in
🇲🇹 is honoured to be unanimously re-elected as Chair of the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe for the next 2 years! Together with the Vice-Chair 🇲🇦 & Bureau members 🇵🇹🇪🇸🇬🇷🇲🇪we shall build on the positive momentum & continue fostering dialogue, cooperation, understanding & solidarity b/w North & South 🤝
The #NorthSouthPrize of the Council of Europe recognises the exceptional dedication of personalities, activists, or organisations to #humanrights, #democracy, and #solidarity! 📢 The call for nominations for the 30th edition is open until 07 October. 📌 More info:
📅 Tanger séminaire Délégation Interministérielle aux Droits de l'Homme Conseil de l'Europe sur standards Conseil de l'Europe en matière de droits de l'Homme. Un pas important vers la promotion et la protection des droits fondamentaux !#DroitsDeLHomme CarmenMorte كارمن مورتي كوميز North-South Centre of the Council of Europe UE au Maroc
The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe is deeply saddened by the passing of Ambassador Lorenzo Vella, former Chair of our Executive Committee. His remarkable work and contributions to human rights, solidarity, and youth empowerment made a lasting impact and will be profoundly missed.