Giacomo Novembre
PI of the Neuroscience of Perception & Action Laboratory (NPA Lab, Italian Institute of Technology (@IITalk). Rome, Italy.
ID: 1369747784400781318 10-03-2021 20:31:53
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🐒🎶 Thrilled to share our latest work: Musically naive monkeys generate expectations while listening to music! Check out our recent publication in Current Biology 👇. Huge congratulations to Roberta Bianco and gratitude to European Research Council (ERC) Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions & IIT for their support!
🇪🇺#ERCPoC #outnow: 5 new projects funded by the European Research Council (ERC)! Congrats to Gianni Ciofani, Francesco Di Stasio, Giacomo Novembre, Velia Velia Siciliano, and Agnieszka Wykowska. Read the news ⬇️…
🎼Rhesus monkeys have an innate sense of rhythm, but when researchers made them listen to Bach's violin sonatas their responses revealed that they have little or no sense of melody. IIT Roberta Bianco Giacomo Novembre
Thanks Marta Zaraska for your piece on Quanta Magazine covering our inter-neural synchrony work, as well as the work of esteemed colleagues including Guillaume Dumas, Antonia Hamilton & Suzanne Dikker Special thanks to collaborators Atesh Koul & Peter Keller.…
One week left to apply! Come « mind jazz » with our @PPSP_team between Centre de recherche Azrieli du CHU Sainte-Justine & Mila - Institut québécois d'IA!
📢New project assessing the effect of Joint Music Making on individuals with ASD (kick-off Jan 2025), at IIT Rovereto, in collab. with Michael Lombardo. We are looking for a Research Assistant, drop me a line if interested. European Research Council (ERC) #AcademicJobs #AcademicTwitter #PhDposition
New preprint up describing our planned #RegisteredReport Stage 1 protocol building on ManyVoices 1. In Many Voices 2, we aim to collect data from 1,500 people around the world singing/speaking in groups to directly test the social bonding hypothesis…
Thanks, Enrique Alpañés for this nice story in EL PAÍS covering our recent dance study. IIT European Research Council (ERC) Félix Bigand
Funding alert! Applied for a Marie Curie but got rejected with *Seal of Excellence* < 2 years ago? MUR is offering 150 very generous positions for 3-years senior postdocs! If interested in any of my research areas & want to join my lab Sapienza Università di Roma - Italy, send me an email!