Nora Balboa
Cognitive psych PhD candidate at Kansas State University. Evo psych, altruism (or lack thereof), various decisions. No naturalistic fallacy allowed. She/her
ID: 1105955720074272768
https://www.norabalboa.com/ 13-03-2019 22:16:06
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Was just informed I should be doing more Jacob centered content. Apologies, here's Jacob Wilson

I wrote a piece, out today in the The Boston Globe, on how EP research gets appropriated to support harmful ideologies in the manosphere: bostonglobe.com/2024/05/16/opiā¦

Nominations are now open for several roles on the WEBS committee. The Google Form for nominations was sent to members at the beginning of this month. If you did not receive this email, please check your spam folder or reach out to [email protected] to update your email.

Jessica D. Ayers & I are so excited for the Evolutionary Preconference at #SPSP2025. There's a star speaker lineup: Daniel Conroy-Beam, josh ackerman, Patrick Durkee, Nora Balboa, Meltem Yucel (Melt-um You-Jell) & William Taylor. Poster & datablitz abstracts are open Sep 5 - Oct 17. Come hang with us in Denver!