Nóirín Hegarty (@noirinhegarty) 's Twitter Profile
Nóirín Hegarty


A new adventure beckons…

ID: 1228121058

calendar_today28-02-2013 18:38:55

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Demelza de Burca (@demelzadeburca) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Sunday Times front page; Helen McEntee backs Drew Harris on policing far right All the drama in Paris for Ireland's victory against South Africa in the Rugby World Cup Irish Rugby Kate Moss gearing up for 50, Gary Lineker in his 60s.. and so much more inside.

John Mooney (@johnmooneyirl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We have extensive coverage of the far right protests in tomorrow's The Sunday Times Ireland. Every expert I spoke to believed the approach taken by Helen McEntee TD and Drew Harris of Garda Info was the correct one. Heavy-handing policing of extremist protests is counter-productive.

Demelza de Burca (@demelzadeburca) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Bono, Edge and Adam were phenomenal in Las Vegas last night.. mind bending visuals, mind-blowing sound, and a blistering set. U2 has changed the game for live music with their Sphere shows. Larry is missed, but Bram van den Berg is a sensational stand-in.

Demelza de Burca (@demelzadeburca) 's Twitter Profile Photo

U2 fans are like no other. I met so many Irish people this weekend who have attended well over 20 shows. One Brazilian devotee has been to 28 gigs... 28!!!! U2 thetimes.co.uk/article/aff5a7…

NewsBrands Ireland (@newsbrandsirl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Congratulations to all the shortlisted journalists in this year's irishjournalismawards. Check out the shortlist here ⬇️ irishjournalismawards.ie/sl2023 #IJA23 #journalism #irishmedia

John Mooney (@johnmooneyirl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today I published a major interview with the garda commissioner Drew Harris about the new threats facing Ireland: the nexus of crime, terrorism and hostile states. The Kinahans and much more were discussed at length #garda #Kinahancartel #DrewHarris thetimes.co.uk/article/drew-h…