Has anyone done the 1984 vs 2018 draft comp yet? With Ayton’s emergence the similarities are striking.
#1- Hakeem & Ayton: Franchise centers, not best player in draft
#2- Total whiff: Bowie & Bagley
#3- Player with GOAT potential: MJ & Luka
#5- MVP caliber guy: Barkley & Trae
It’s not a coincidence that the best players to come through our varsity program over the years were the kids in 5th-8th grade who weren’t too cool to try at summer camp.
The best never want to lose and always compete - even if it means looking like you’re actually trying hard.
Michael Jordan. Kobe Bryant. D Wade.
3 killers… but 1 man behind the curtain.
Performance coach & mindset engineer — Tim Grover.
I spent hours studying his stuff…
Here are 7 key lessons for developing killer instinct, dominating the competition & coming out on top.
When an athlete is told to run at 85% they run faster than if they're told to run at 100%.
It's called the 85% rule and here's why it works:
Carl Lewis was a 9 time Olympic gold medalist who was known as a master finisher but a slow starter.
He began races 2nd to last but