Christian Nitzl (@nitzlchristian) 's Twitter Profile
Christian Nitzl


Center for Intelligence and Security Studies | Universität der Bundeswehr München | Privat

ID: 1497282209673318403

link calendar_today25-02-2022 18:48:20

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155 Following

Christian Nitzl (@nitzlchristian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hot of the press! Our contribution about error culture, error communication, and performance. Enjoy reading!…

Christian Nitzl (@nitzlchristian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Uwe Borghoff, former Director of the Center for Intelligence and Security Studies (CISS), presented a joint paper entitled "The Application of Named Entity Recognition (NER) in Military Intelligence" at the 19th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory.

Uwe Borghoff, former Director of the Center for Intelligence and Security Studies (CISS), presented a joint paper entitled "The Application of Named Entity Recognition (NER) in Military Intelligence" at the 19th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory.
Christian Nitzl (@nitzlchristian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Nun ist die Bundeswehr in der Mitte der Gesellschaft angekommen. Schlager-Legende besucht Tochter bei Bundeswehr – „Auf einmal betrittst du ganz andere Welt“…

CIR Bundeswehr (@cirbw) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Die abstrusen Behauptungen, die bestimmte Kreise im Netz zu unserer Kameradin Anastasia „BtlKdr Z.“ Biefang verbreiten, sind haltlos. Jeder, der sie kennt, weiß, dass sie einen klasse Job im #CIR macht. Wir stehen zu ihr!

Sebastian Bae (@sebastianbae) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The German #Wargaming Handbook (2004) is available for digital download - authored by the Bundeswehr Doctrine Center in collaboration with others. There are exciting developments in German wargaming so I am looking forward to an update in the near future.…

Christian Nitzl (@nitzlchristian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Das "Wargaming Handbuch der Bundeswehr" ist erschienen. Auch unser Forschungsbereich Wargaming und Information Systems am Center for Intelligence and Security Studies durfte daran mitwirken. Das Handbuch wurde unter Leitung des Doktrinzentrums der Bundeswehr erstellt.…

Christian Nitzl (@nitzlchristian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Neuer Beitrag „Die Informatik und die Krise“ in Informatik Spektrum aktuell erschienen. Wir diskutieren dabei, basierend auf dem Intelligence Cycle, wie die Informatik bei der Krisenfrüherkennung unterstützt. ⁦Center for Intelligence and Security Studies⁩…

Christian Nitzl (@nitzlchristian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Proudly present our new contribution „Predicting Novel Terrorism: Media Coverage as Early-Warning System of Novelty in Terror Attacks“. Eva Herschinger and I co-authored this contribution. ⁦Center for Intelligence and Security Studies⁩ rocks!…

John Horgan (@profjohnhorgan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Full article: Predicting Novel Terrorism - Media Coverage as Early-Warning System of Novelty in Terror Attacks…

Christian Nitzl (@nitzlchristian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It is a great honour to see that our paper "A Primer on the Conditional Mediation Analysis in PLS-SEM" was the most cited paper in ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems last year.…

It is a great honour to see that our paper "A Primer on the Conditional Mediation Analysis in PLS-SEM" was the most cited paper in ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems last year.…
Christian Nitzl (@nitzlchristian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Proudly present our new contribution "Personality traits and the use of performance information: enthusiastic and diligent public managers" published in International Public Management Journal.…

Christian Nitzl (@nitzlchristian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our Wargaming team at the Center for Intelligence and Security Studies was invited to participate in the NATO WIN24 conference in Hamburg. I gave the Ted Talk 'The Human Side of Wargaming' twice and was panelist in the discussion on AI in Wargaming. As a thank you, I received the beautiful coin pictured below.

Our Wargaming team at the <a href="/cissmunich/">Center for Intelligence and Security Studies</a> was invited to participate in the NATO WIN24 conference in Hamburg. I gave the Ted Talk 'The Human Side of Wargaming' twice and was panelist in the discussion on AI in Wargaming. As a thank you, I received the beautiful coin pictured below.