Nisha Sridharan, Ph. D.
Asst. Prof @TUKleincollege | @CronkiteASU PhD Role of Journalism in Society | Indian | Dog Videos for Life | She/Her
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http://nishasridharan.com 31-10-2016 21:05:05
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Starting #AEJMC24 with the Precon on Connecting Journalism Research and Practice, learning and engaging with some of the smartest people in the field. Internally fangirling and externally proud of being in my new home Klein College!

Just presented a poster with the amazing Juan Mundel on more work on #disability in advertising, focusing on representation in Super Bowl commercials of 2024! A passion project that has expanded wonderfully since last year and more to come! #AEJMC24 AEJMC Advertising Division

Last day of AEJMC! If you’re still in Philly, join CommissionOnWomen’s session on feminism, intersectionality & representation in the digital public sphere! UNL CoJMC’s Kelli Boling & I will be presenting our work on social media discourse of Nebraska’s record-setting volleyball game!

All set to start a fabulous journey at Klein College! Been a whirlwind few weeks of moving and unboxing, but very excited to work with a fantastic group of colleagues and students! Go Owls! 🦉 ♥️

I’m hiring a postdoc for Summer 2025! Interested in researching LGBTQ+ youth mental health? Based in the Vanderbilt LGBTQ+ Policy Lab within a vibrant research community. Please share widely! Competitive salary ($72.5k) & benefits. More info & apply here: apply.interfolio.com/154523