Nikosf (@nikosf12) 's Twitter Profile


ID: 754062255285829632

calendar_today15-07-2016 21:17:06

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39 Following

PASSME H2020 (@passme_eu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

All the smiling #PASSME faces, these are the pepple responsible for all the innovations of the PASSME project - coming from 12 partners from across Europe #H2020 #aviation #InvestEUresearch #PaxEx #Airportsofthefuture

All the smiling #PASSME faces, these are the pepple responsible for all the innovations of the PASSME project - coming from 12 partners from across Europe

#H2020 #aviation #InvestEUresearch #PaxEx #Airportsofthefuture
PASSME H2020 (@passme_eu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Best of luck to the PASSME team today who are giving their final presentation to the European Commission today #H2020 #InvestEUresearch #transport #travel #PaxEx #aviation #airport #passenger

Best of luck to the PASSME team today who are giving their final presentation to the European Commission today

#H2020 #InvestEUresearch #transport #travel #PaxEx #aviation #airport #passenger
Virtual Multimodal Museum Plus (@vimmuseum) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Breaking News: the independent committee of experts is announcing THE winner of the #EuropeForCulture special workshop digicultEU, which is the #H2020 iMARECULTURE Project project from the #cyunitech in #cyprus - CONGRATULATIONS #TEPAK - #EYCH2018

Breaking News: the independent committee of experts is announcing THE winner of the #EuropeForCulture special workshop <a href="/digicultEU/">digicultEU</a>, which is the #H2020 <a href="/imareculture/">iMARECULTURE Project</a> project from the #cyunitech in #cyprus - CONGRATULATIONS #TEPAK - #EYCH2018
PLUGGY (@pluggy_eu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Find out everything about PLUGGY #appchallenge here: Be creative and win! 1000euros for the 6 finalists & extra 4000euros for the final winner! Accept the challenge! 😎 #H2020 #culturalheritage #eufunded

Find out everything about <a href="/Pluggy_Eu/">PLUGGY</a> #appchallenge here:  Be creative and win! 1000euros for the 6 finalists &amp; extra 4000euros for the final winner! Accept the challenge! 😎 #H2020 #culturalheritage #eufunded
PLUGGY (@pluggy_eu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Culture in its #culturalheritage form, supported by the institutions, comprises one pillar out of the four for sustainability, Prof. Gábor Sonkoly, ELTE University, REACH project WP Leader. So glad that PLUGGY is among these great people & #EUfuded projects! #EuropeForCulture

Culture in its #culturalheritage form, supported by the institutions, comprises one pillar out of the four for sustainability, Prof. Gábor Sonkoly, ELTE University, <a href="/REACH_2017/">REACH project</a> WP Leader. So glad that <a href="/Pluggy_Eu/">PLUGGY</a> is among these great people &amp; #EUfuded projects! #EuropeForCulture
Evi Brousta (@pbrousta) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Πλατφόρμα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης για τον πολιτισμό. Η δοκιμαστική έκδοση είναι διαθέσιμη. Αξίζει προσοχής

PLUGGY (@pluggy_eu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The 6 #appchallenge finalists who get 1000 💶each have been chosen & informed! We won't reveal the pers. infos unless they want to reveal themselves! You are very welcome to do that here! Congrats everyone! To check the soon-to-developed apps visit :

PLUGGY (@pluggy_eu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Don't miss the chance to visit PLUGGY social platform ( ) & share your own #culturalheritage story! New stories are being uploaded daily! #H2020 #postculturalheritage

Don't miss the chance to visit <a href="/Pluggy_Eu/">PLUGGY</a> social platform ( ) &amp; share your own #culturalheritage story! New stories are being uploaded daily! #H2020 #postculturalheritage
Evi Brousta (@pbrousta) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#3D presentation in the service of #Culture! Download #Pluggy3D #app today at Google Play & visit the PLUGGY #socialmedia platform:… to view the #CulturalHeritage stories digicultEU Horizon 2020 #EuropeForCulture #gamification #AugmentedReality

PLUGGY (@pluggy_eu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🤗Thank you #CreteTV for the enjoyable interview and the opportunity to present PLUGGY tools! Don’t forget, meet PLUGGY at the Final Event on 20/11/2019 at InnovAthens 🇬🇷.…

Maria Krommyda (@krommyda_maria) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As the next plenary meeting of the Hyperion EU Project will be #virtual and no longer held at #Granada in #Spain, Nikosf proposed Clio Muse Tours #virtualtour of Alhambra Palace, but even in #Quarantine #sky is not a #limit! So I opted for the #moon #tour!…

LIBRA AI Technologies (@libramli_ai) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We all live in a #soundscape 🔉 #StateOfTheArt #deeplearning approaches can recognise major sounds in a soundscape & infer the #audio scene at hand. Check an illustrative representation of the #sound #eventdetection #tech & learn more about our work at

LIBRA AI Technologies (@libramli_ai) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📣Revolutionizing #PrecisionAgriculture with edge AI! 🤝🏽Excited to partner with #IknowHowSA, a BonsAPPs 2⃣Open Call winner & #AI adopter, to develop #anomalydetection for scaling up #agriculture #Robots! 🛠️We will use Bonseyes tools & techs with Elif Lab guidance & support!

📣Revolutionizing #PrecisionAgriculture with edge AI!
🤝🏽Excited to partner with #IknowHowSA, a <a href="/BonsApps/">BonsAPPs</a> 2⃣Open Call winner &amp; #AI adopter, to develop #anomalydetection for scaling up #agriculture #Robots!
🛠️We will use <a href="/BonseyesAI/">Bonseyes</a> tools &amp; techs with <a href="/elif_lab/">Elif Lab</a> guidance &amp; support!
I-SENSE GROUP/ ICCS (@isense_group) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#ISENSE_GROUP representing PLUGGY at the Virtual Multimodal Museum Plus Digital #CulturalHeritage Experts Milestone Meeting for defining the future of #virtualmuseums! #InvestEUresearch #H2020 #EuropeForCulture #culturestories #digitalheritage

#ISENSE_GROUP representing <a href="/Pluggy_Eu/">PLUGGY</a> at the <a href="/ViMMuseum/">Virtual Multimodal Museum Plus</a> Digital #CulturalHeritage Experts Milestone Meeting for defining the future of #virtualmuseums!

#InvestEUresearch  #H2020 #EuropeForCulture #culturestories #digitalheritage
I-SENSE GROUP/ ICCS (@isense_group) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our own Nikos Fragkakis (Nikosf) explaining the #personalised #application I-SENSE GROUP/ ICCS had developed within #PASSME_EU #H2020 #EUfunded project to elevate #air #passengerexperience and reduce anxiety! Watch the full video here:…