ID: 754062255285829632
15-07-2016 21:17:06
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Attending the PASSME H2020 showcase. I am so happy to be part of the project from the beginning.

Increasing quality time, decreasing unwanted time at #Airportsofthefuture through PASSME H2020

#researchersnight National Technical University of Athens Averof building is full of PLUGGY fun! Come and meet us! There is still time! I-SENSE GROUP/ ICCS #EuropeForCulture #H2020

Breaking News: the independent committee of experts is announcing THE winner of the #EuropeForCulture special workshop digicultEU, which is the #H2020 iMARECULTURE Project project from the #cyunitech in #cyprus - CONGRATULATIONS #TEPAK - #EYCH2018

#HeritageAliveEU session on #DigitalHeritage on 16:30 @ Atrium Hall (next to coffee break area) The EGG Brussels Experience and innovate in #EuropeForCulture with #EU #H2020 ARCHES H2020 project iMARECULTURE Project MESH PLUGGY @cultlab3d Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions ITN-DCH and #ViMMuseum #EYCH2018

#3D presentation in the service of #Culture! Download #Pluggy3D #app today at Google Play & visit the PLUGGY #socialmedia platform: beta.pluggy.eu/exhibitions?ty… to view the #CulturalHeritage stories digicultEU Horizon 2020 #EuropeForCulture #gamification #AugmentedReality

As the next plenary meeting of the Hyperion EU Project will be #virtual and no longer held at #Granada in #Spain, Nikosf proposed Clio Muse Tours #virtualtour of Alhambra Palace, but even in #Quarantine #sky is not a #limit! So I opted for the #moon #tour! cliomusetours.com/tours/moon-tou…