Postdoc with @PitarresiLab| PhD with @SusanLBellis| Pancreatic cancer researcher | @UABCDIB 🇺🇸 - @UMassChan 🇺🇸
ID: 1324784087924535296
06-11-2020 18:42:04
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Congratulations to Dave Guertin and PitarresiPhD for receiving funding from the Department of Defense 🇺🇸 to study the mechanisms of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma-associated cachexia. umassmed.edu/medicine/resea…… #PDAC UMass Chan Medical School Department of Medicine

Honored and privileged to be able to contribute my opinion on the role of senescent cells in tumorigenesis in this updated Hallmarks of Cancer piece for Cancer Discovery with this group of amazing investigators. Credit really goes to the pioneers in the field whose shoulders we stand on.

Super excited to present my postdoc work in PitarresiPhD and so very grateful to the organizers for providing an opportunity like this to the trainees early in the academic career!

Bittersweet as the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory panc cancer course comes to an end today, but so honored to be accepted, happy to have learned so much from the amazing instructors and made new friends. Shoutout to the best course directors Ben Stanger PascaLab KenOliveLab & Tony Hollingsworth 🙌

The PitarresiPhD turns 2 this week so we had a little party at our house to celebrate with our group & some collaborators! I am so lucky to work with you all and can't believe what we have accomplished in such a short time. We work hard and play hard, what a fun bunch!

Components of normal tissue architecture maintain structure (+ fxn) & serve as barriers to tumor progression…but how? We report a 🧩 in our new preprint. Congrats to 1st author M. Kathrina Oñate & thx to collabs Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center OHSU Knight Cancer Institute Stanford Medicine! 1/ biorxiv.org/content/10.110…

Congrats to my grad students being awarded T32 spots! Calvin Johnson on the Initiative for Maximizing Student Development Jessica Peura on the Innate Immunity Training Program With these 2, I should just invest in the champagne factory to save 💰 in the long run! #proudPI

Excited to share our preprint on the role of mitochondrial calcium in pancreatic cancer plasticity & metastasis. In collaborative work with Jillian Weissenrieder in Kevin Foskett lab and Jessica Peura Nikita Calvin Johnson in my group, we show... 🧵 [1/7] biorxiv.org/content/10.110…
![PitarresiPhD (@pitarresilab) on Twitter photo Excited to share our preprint on the role of mitochondrial calcium in pancreatic cancer plasticity & metastasis. In collaborative work with <a href="/skyeweisse/">Jillian Weissenrieder</a> in <a href="/kevin_foskett/">Kevin Foskett</a> lab and <a href="/peura_jessica/">Jessica Peura</a> <a href="/Nikita2106/">Nikita</a> <a href="/Calv1nJohnson/">Calvin Johnson</a> in my group, we show...
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biorxiv.org/content/10.110… Excited to share our preprint on the role of mitochondrial calcium in pancreatic cancer plasticity & metastasis. In collaborative work with <a href="/skyeweisse/">Jillian Weissenrieder</a> in <a href="/kevin_foskett/">Kevin Foskett</a> lab and <a href="/peura_jessica/">Jessica Peura</a> <a href="/Nikita2106/">Nikita</a> <a href="/Calv1nJohnson/">Calvin Johnson</a> in my group, we show...
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Thrilled to be one of the recipients for this year’s Hopper-Belmont Foundation award. Thankful for the recognition and absolutely couldn’t do it without the support of PitarresiPhD!

Excited to share our latest pancreatic cancer findings in collaboration with Prabhani Atukorale's group and led by former postdoc Loretah Chibaya and current research associate Kelly DeMarco in our lab. science.org/doi/10.1126/sc…

Happy to see our joint effort with Anil K. Rustgi, Sims, and Chandwani labs come out this week where we took a deep dive into the role of FRA1 during acinar-to-ductal metaplasia (ADM). sciencedirect.com/science/articl…