Lucas H. N. Veloso
PoliSci PhD Candidate @ufmg.
Researching @margemufmg.
ID: 1328416574307495938
16-11-2020 19:16:15
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Let's expand our concepts of democratic innovations together with Africapols in this exciting upcoming seminar! 🌟✨💡 📅 May 28 🕓 4 pm CEST / 3 pm EST / 11 am BRT 🔗 Register here:
Our colleagues from Iswe Foundation and Missions Publiques_EN are making a pitch for global citizens' assemblies at the UN Summit for the Future. How exactly can global citizens' assemblies make a difference in global governance? Join the conversation this June 👇…
ICYMI, we're holidng our first GloCAN summer webinar this week. Join Canning Malkin, Kalypso Nicolaidis & Felipe Rey Salamanca on Thursday to discuss "Who sets the agenda in global citizen deliberation?" Register at:…
⭐️📢 Time for GloCAN’s second seminar! Check out “GOVERNING: Can a global citizens’ assembly be organised democratically?” next Thursday! 😊 📆 June 13 ⏰ 12:00-13:00 CEST 📍 Virtual via Zoom Click the 🔗 to register and learn more! DelDemUCan
In a time in history where our international governance infrastructures are failing us so gravely, there is only one way to go. We need to upgrade those broken systems. #GlobalAssemblyNow We were part of the group that founded Global Assembly Follow us to see what happens next.
ON THURSDAY 📆 Part 3 of #GloCAN's June seminar series will talk about contextualising global assemblies in local communities. Featuring Susan Lee 🇰🇷 x Andrea Felicetti 🇮🇹 Moderated by Lucas H. N. Veloso 🇧🇷 Register here:
Back to work after the Participedia x Cape Town experience - join us this thursday !
A key lessons from Wendy Conway-Lamb's latest publication: ✅Frame climate adaptation in a way that resonates with those most affected by climate impacts ✅ Avoid dichotomies of adaptation ✅ Embrace ontological pluralism and deliberative approaches.…
Part 3 of #GloCAN's June seminar series asks: How can we ground global citizens' assemblies in local contexts? With Susan Lee of deliberativa World Citizens' Assembly Lab and Andrea Felicetti. Moderated by Lucas H. N. Veloso 😍 All welcome. Register here:
Nessa quinta o professor Ricardo Ricardo Fabrino Mendonça estará no Departamento de Ciência Política da USP debatendo Epistemologias Críticas, Identidade e Ciência Política. O evento acontecerá na FFLCH USP na USP e não será gravado. Caso estejam por lá, confiram esse interessante evento!
Honra grande de participar novamente do Seminário do PPGCP da USP - Universidade de São Paulo. Ansioso pela discussão epistemológica com as queridas Flávia Biroli, Marta Arretche, Luiz Augusto Campos e Rogerio Arantes. A vontade é só ouvir e aprender com essas pessoas que tanto admiro!
Back to the COOLEST CAMPUS EVER! 🇧🇷✌️ So happy to join Ricardo Fabrino Mendonça for another research visit. Today, it was a privilege to give a lecture on assemblage theory for Ricardo’s smart students 🤓🤩 Further deepening our collaboration between DelDemUCan & Margem UFMG FAFICH UFMG
Hoje Ricardo Ricardo Fabrino Mendonça irá participar de oficina na UFF. No encontro, irá debater o uso de entrevistas nos métodos interpretativos a parti das experiências e práticas de suas pesquisas.
My first Brazilian conference!! 🇧🇷🫶 It was a pleasure to present my work at the Conference of the Brazilian Political Science Association 2024 in Salvador. Thank you to Margem UFMG FAFICH UFMG led by Ricardo Fabrino Mendonça for hosting me 🙏 marina Filipe Motta
Happy to share the very exciting news that Fernando Filgueiras 🚴🎸, Virgilio Almeida and I won the ABCP award for best book in Political Science published between 2022-2024. I thank their company in this exciting journey to make sense of the social & political impact of algorithms
Pesquisadores do Margem participam, hoje, do evento Minas Contra as Fake News, na Reitoria da UFMG Ricardo Ricardo Fabrino Mendonça irá abordar o tema da inteligência artificial e combate à desinformação e Camilo Camilo Aggio irá mediar a mesa sobre regulação das plataformas e democracia.