Christian Nielsen
ID: 807002630438481920
https://nielsen-lab.com/ 08-12-2016 23:23:15
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Three-year PhD studentship, funded by Leverhulme and jointly supervised by Greg Chass and myself Chemistry_QMUL. The project's title is: Optimizing CO2 Mineralization: From Particle Aggregation to Growth and Tailored Properties: findaphd.com/phds/project/o…

Join us for a three-year Postdoctoral Research position funded by The Leverhulme Trust. This collaborative project, jointly supervised by Greg Chass and myself at Queen Mary University of London, focuses on “Optimising CO2 Mineralization: From Atomistic Detail to Reactor Design”: qmul-jobs.tal.net/vx/appcentre-e…

Excited to share this excellent work by Simiao and team: Cation‐Dependent Mixed Ionic‐Electronic Transport in a Perylenediimide Small‐Molecule Semiconductor onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/an… Angewandte Chemie QMUL School of Physical and Chemical Sciences

📢RT please! Looking for a postdoc🧑🔬in my wonderful & diverse group🌈🇳🇴on e-catalytic CH4 conversion with MOFs⚡️Experience with #MOFs essential & #electrocatalysis strongly advised. Apply by the 12/8/24 on 👇 Post-doc Positions MOF Universe

Working on OMIEC, OECT, EGOFET, IS-FET? Submit an oral abstract to MATSUS conference before tomorrow! Beautiful list of invited speakers at the program: nanoge.org/MATSUSFall24/s…, including Leclerc Nicolas from STELORG.

Check out this editorial piece: Equality in publishing: Are joint authors truly equal? With Dr Roisin Owens and Liz Simmonds science.org/doi/10.1126/sc…

Cation-Dependent Mixed Ionic-Electronic Transport in a Perylenediimide Small-Molecule Semiconductor (Christian B. Nielsen and co-workers) Christian Nielsen #AngewandteVIP #openaccess onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/an…

Submit an abstract for this year’s Materials chemistry poster symposium by 23 Sept! Meet J. Mater. Chem. family Editor Rose Wedgbury at the event. Find out more: rsc.li/materials-post…