Nicole Marie Kane Aitken
Lecturer in Occupational Therapy at QMU. Currently undertaking a thesis exploring the factors impacting recruitment and retention of AHPs . Views are my own.
ID: 1960404696
https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicole-kane-9306b6b1 14-10-2013 10:39:11
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Get up to £5,000 for your innovation or improvement projects - RCOT. Calling all OT’sin FV… @NicoleKane_OT Debbie Hogarth Kat Barclay rcot.co.uk/news/get-%C2%A…

My dissertation survey exploring AHP workforce recruitment and retention is still open 🚨!! Calling all paramedics ParamedicUK qmu.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/factors-impact…

All 558 survey responses analysed! Thank you so much to all the AHPs across the UK who took the time to participate. Your responses were illuminating and inspiring 💚now to get this dissertation written up! QueenMargaretUni