Nicole Marie Kane Aitken
Lecturer in Occupational Therapy at QMU. Currently undertaking a thesis exploring the factors impacting recruitment and retention of AHPs . Views are my own.
ID: 1960404696 14-10-2013 10:39:11
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Get up to £5,000 for your innovation or improvement projects - RCOT. Calling all OT’sin FV… @NicoleKane_OT Debbie Hogarth Kat Barclay…
My dissertation survey exploring AHP workforce recruitment and retention is still open 🚨!! Calling all paramedics ParamedicUK…
All 558 survey responses analysed! Thank you so much to all the AHPs across the UK who took the time to participate. Your responses were illuminating and inspiring 💚now to get this dissertation written up! QueenMargaretUni