Nicole Mirra
Associate Prof @RutgersGSE. I study youth critical literacies & speculative civic engagement. Station Eleven superfan. Tweets are my own. (she/her)
ID: 260627138
https://rutgers.academia.edu/NicoleMirra 04-03-2011 07:36:11
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Still buzzing from being able to spend a minute chatting about baseball with Hanif Abdurraqib last night at FLP Author Events. I hope you're playing The Show today - happy #OpeningDay

Thrilled to share the fifth annual #SpecEd Colloquium on May 3rd featuring the one and only Ernest Morrell. Always free, Nicole Mirra and I would love for you to join us. Info to register is here: open.substack.com/pub/speculativ….

It's always awkward sitting at the book signing table so come say hi to AnterO))) Garcia & I today! & then come to the poster session on Saturday where many of the authors from the book & recent JLS issue on speculative ed will share their work (1:15pm CC Level 100 Rm 115B) #AERA2024

The 5th Annual Speculative Education Colloquium will take place on Friday, May 3rd at 4pm EST. Register for this free, online event to learn from Ernest Morrell & network with fellow educational dreamers! Share with your networks & register at tinyurl.com/SpeculativeEd24

So excited that Ernest Morrell is receiving this well-deserved honor!! Come celebrate and learn from him at the Speculative Education Colloquium next Friday, May 3rd at 4pm EST. Register here: tinyurl.com/SpeculativeEd24

.@NCTE Executive Director Emily Kirkpatrick and member-leader Nicole Mirra will be presenting at the free '24 @Smithsonian National Education Summit for educators. Register for virtual & in-person sessions spotlighting interdisciplinary connections here: s.si.edu/EducationSummi…

“Sometimes you don’t survive whole, you just survive in part. But the grandeur of life is that attempt. It’s not about that solution. It is about being as fearless as one can, and behaving as beautifully as one can, under completely impossible circumstances.” — Toni Morrison✨❤️