Dr Nick Coates
Experiment in Fat Rascalry #2. With butter levels optimised, I’ve made two new discoveries: 1. Rascals taste great by an open fire and 2. Rascals are better shared. Tim Thornton 🥁 agrees. Geoff Rimington Bettys

A Macca list for your delectation. Lots of chin scratching and debate and a complex rating system went into this. Including two versions not sung by the man himself. Thanks to Tim Thornton 🥁 for forcing us to confront the shibboleth
Excited for my first Jacob Collier Patreon hangout. Makes music exciting. Especially with Djesse 3 round the corner
Hey Virgin Media ❤️ if I’m supposed to be guaranteed a certain speed why won’t you let me report issues? What are you hiding from? I don’t want to wait 24 hours

New term of the day: ‘fintok’. Thanks YouthSight (now Savanta) Josephine Hansom #genz #mrslive
Dear Booking.com. Can you tell Amex to remove the pending payment for £4500 for flights that you haven’t confirmed. Ironically I can’t get through to any of the 7 phone numbers you’ve shared without a confirmation number I don’t have.

I'm thrilled to say that Christ Church will host our Looking-Glass BOOK LAUNCH - an evening of talks from myself & our authors Adam Roberts, Dr Nick Coates, Catherine Richards a wine reception, and special collections display! Tickets are free (booking essential!) eventbrite.com/e/book-launch-…