Dr Nick Coates (@nickcoates) 's Twitter Profile
Dr Nick Coates


ID: 14465475

linkhttp://www.cspace.com calendar_today21-04-2008 18:57:19

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Dr Nick Coates (@nickcoates) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A threshold moment: my first Fat Rascal!! Kindly gifted by Geoff Rimington Took me back to something Granny Rimington used to make. Experimented with different thicknesses of butter and have concluded more butter is better @karuskicolours #fatrascal Bettys

A threshold moment: my first Fat Rascal!! Kindly gifted by <a href="/GeoffRimington/">Geoff Rimington</a> Took me back to something Granny Rimington used to make. Experimented with different thicknesses of butter and have concluded more butter is better @karuskicolours #fatrascal <a href="/Bettys/">Bettys</a>
Dr Nick Coates (@nickcoates) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Experiment in Fat Rascalry #2. With butter levels optimised, I’ve made two new discoveries: 1. Rascals taste great by an open fire and 2. Rascals are better shared. Tim Thornton 🥁 agrees. Geoff Rimington Bettys

Experiment in Fat Rascalry #2. With butter levels optimised, I’ve made two new discoveries: 1. Rascals taste great by an open fire and 2. Rascals are better shared. <a href="/TimWThornton/">Tim Thornton 🥁</a> agrees. <a href="/GeoffRimington/">Geoff Rimington</a> <a href="/Bettys/">Bettys</a>
Dr Nick Coates (@nickcoates) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Final experiment: I’m now a big fan of the vertical slicing method. First - each slice gets a bit of either cherry of almond. Second, ideal for sharing! I’ve also tested with a verbena infusion, and roibos tea with / without milk. Milk wins!!! Geoff Rimington Bettys #fatrascal

Final experiment: I’m now a big fan of the vertical slicing method. First - each slice gets a bit of either cherry of almond. Second, ideal for sharing! I’ve also tested with a verbena infusion, and roibos tea with / without milk. Milk wins!!! <a href="/GeoffRimington/">Geoff Rimington</a>  <a href="/Bettys/">Bettys</a> #fatrascal
Dr Nick Coates (@nickcoates) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A Macca list for your delectation. Lots of chin scratching and debate and a complex rating system went into this. Including two versions not sung by the man himself. Thanks to Tim Thornton 🥁 for forcing us to confront the shibboleth

Dr Nick Coates (@nickcoates) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hey Virgin Media ❤️ if I’m supposed to be guaranteed a certain speed why won’t you let me report issues? What are you hiding from? I don’t want to wait 24 hours

MRS (@tweetmrs) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We'll present this year's twelve new Fellows with their certificates. Read more about them here: mrs.org.uk/about/fellows #MRSawards

We'll present this year's twelve new Fellows with their certificates. Read more about them here: mrs.org.uk/about/fellows #MRSawards
Dr Nick Coates (@nickcoates) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Very proud of Asha Parmar today for showcasing our work with Xero. Such a great brand doing amazing things. And of course putting customers at the heart of strategy. #mrx #fs #beautifulbusiness C Space

Dr Nick Coates (@nickcoates) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Don’t stand for image-based abuse. Don’t look at it. Don’t share it. Great campaign that needs spreading far and wide youtu.be/7nwrq4n-4rc?si…

Dr Nick Coates (@nickcoates) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In store for the launch of ‘beauty in your wake’ from Fink. Do yourself a favour and check it out. It really is a beaut. open.spotify.com/album/3NLiwJYd… #cornishseaair #guitar #tunings

In store for the launch of ‘beauty in your wake’ from <a href="/Finkmusic/">Fink</a>. Do yourself a favour and check it out. It really is a beaut.


#cornishseaair #guitar #tunings
Dr Nick Coates (@nickcoates) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dear Booking.com. Can you tell Amex to remove the pending payment for £4500 for flights that you haven’t confirmed. Ironically I can’t get through to any of the 7 phone numbers you’ve shared without a confirmation number I don’t have.

Dr Franziska Kohlt 🦤 (@frankendodo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I'm thrilled to say that Christ Church will host our Looking-Glass BOOK LAUNCH - an evening of talks from myself & our authors Adam Roberts, Dr Nick Coates, Catherine Richards a wine reception, and special collections display! Tickets are free (booking essential!) eventbrite.com/e/book-launch-…

I'm thrilled to say that <a href="/ChCh_Oxford/">Christ Church</a> will host our Looking-Glass BOOK LAUNCH - an evening of talks from myself &amp; our authors <a href="/arrroberts/">Adam Roberts</a>, <a href="/nickcoates/">Dr Nick Coates</a>, <a href="/caththeknife/">Catherine Richards</a> a wine reception, and special collections display! Tickets are free (booking essential!) eventbrite.com/e/book-launch-…