Rungano (@nganoz65) 's Twitter Profile


I am that I am......

ID: 1586403599877394434

calendar_today29-10-2022 17:05:08

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Hopewell Chin’ono (@daddyhope) 's Twitter Profile Photo

PLEASE RETWEET THIS WHEN YOU FINISH READING! This is Jameson Timba in prison uniform, a very senior opposition leader in Zimbabwe. You must know him today if you didn’t already. He is in jail after being arrested last week with his son and 70 other young people who had met at


This is Jameson Timba in prison uniform, a very senior opposition leader in Zimbabwe. 
You must know him today if you didn’t already.

He is in jail after being arrested last week with his son and 70 other young people who had met at
African Stream (@african_stream) 's Twitter Profile Photo

KENYAN SENATOR CALLS OUT CORRUPT MPS Kenyan senator Richard Onyonka summarises what every disgruntled Kenyan has been asking. Why are corrupt leaders not being held accountable for the stealing and misappropriation of taxpayers money? In this powerful speech during senate

Hopewell Chin’ono (@daddyhope) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Please RETWEET Zimbabwean political activist Jacob Ngarivhume just called me now, telling me that his home is surrounded by Zimbabwean secret service and police officers! Ngarivhume has been arrested before and has spent time in jail on trumped-up charges. The Zimbabwean


Zimbabwean political activist Jacob Ngarivhume just called me now, telling me that his home is surrounded by Zimbabwean secret service and police officers!

Ngarivhume has been arrested before and has spent time in jail on trumped-up charges. 
The Zimbabwean
TheeLionessZw🦁🇿🇼 (@patiencemahamb1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We do floor and wall tiling ,,*We install Polished porcelaine tiles and all types of tiles bornrage +263786449754*,,Tiling yese tibatei panumber idzo ,,Kindly asking for a Repost ...

We do floor and wall tiling ,,*We install Polished porcelaine tiles and all types of tiles <a href="/AwesomeTilers24/">bornrage</a>  +263786449754*,,Tiling yese tibatei panumber idzo ,,Kindly asking for a Repost ...
Hopewell Chin’ono (@daddyhope) 's Twitter Profile Photo

All of Zimbabwe’s stadiums have been banned by FIFA for years now because they don’t meet required safety standards. This has forced the national football team to play its home games in other countries. This highlights the incompetence of the government in Harare. In this video,