Neighborhood Pets Outreach & Resource Center Cle
We are a nonprofit organization that offers accessible resources for Cleveland residents with financial needs by helping them keep their pets in their homes.
ID: 862728685027291137 11-05-2017 17:58:42
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We have some exciting news! During the month of August, EmbracePetInsurance is matching your donations to our Spay It Forward Campaign, up to $5,000. Double your impact by donating to our program today! 🎉 Learn more about Embrace:
Did you hear? EmbracePetInsurance is matching all donations to our Spay It Forward Campaign this month, up to $5,000! Our low-cost Spay/Neuter Program helps families like Brandy and Chase. Donate today: Learn more about Embrace:
Each year, we get over 1,000 calls from families like Luna's asking for help to afford to spay/neuter their pet. Donate to our Spay It Forward Campaign today & double your impact - EmbracePetInsurance is matching donations this month, up to $5,000! Donate now:
Spay/neuter surgeries are expensive & Cleveland pet owners need our help. Can you donate to our Spay It Forward Campaign? Now through the end of September, EmbracePetInsurance will match all donations, up to $5,000. Learn about Embrace:
Meet Caitlyn, our Resource Center Assistant! Caitlyn has been a volunteer at City Dogs Cleveland since 2018 & adopted her two dogs there. She's excited to join the NP team & loves being able to help out the community. Say hi the next time you're here! #TakeCareOfEachOther #MeetTheTeam