NaturalBiologicalME (@naturalwfshme) 's Twitter Profile



ID: 1681360648905850880

calendar_today18-07-2023 17:50:09

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192 Following

Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

⚡️The Most Chilling Moment From Dinner With Donald Trump Last night I had dinner next to Donald Trump at Mar A Lago. After being welcomed to the dining area with thunderous applause Trump got out his iPad and began to DJ - as he is known to do. The first song Trump played gave

Green Lives Matter (@ultrafrog17) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Must Listen Live Testimony happening: The United States Federal Government under Joe Biden is the largest child trafficking organization in modern history. The probability that thousands of children are being ra*ed at this very moment is 100%. Crimes against Children should

Camus (@newstart_2024) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Amazing testimony by dr. Marty Makary: "I'm trained in gastrointestinal surgery. My group at Johns Hopkins does more pancreatic cancer surgery than any hospital in the United States. But at no point in the last 20 years has anyone stopped to ask, why has pancreatic cancer

NaturalBiologicalME (@naturalwfshme) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Now Playing: Propaganda Exposed! [UNCENSORED] Most anticipated event of the year. Click here to watch for free.

Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) 's Twitter Profile Photo

You’re about to hear a lot about Tennessee’s law that bans sex changes, hormones and puberty blockers for kids because it’s at the Supreme Court today and it’ll set precedent for the nation. Let me tell you the history behind the law and why this is so important for America. My

You’re about to hear a lot about Tennessee’s law that bans sex changes, hormones and puberty blockers for kids because it’s at the Supreme Court today and it’ll set precedent for the nation.

Let me tell you the history behind the law and why this is so important for America.

NaturalBiologicalME (@naturalwfshme) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In the last five years (fiscal years 2020 – 2024), we have naturalized more than 52,000 service members. In 2002 - for the War on Terror joining the military reduces naturalization requirements - lol…

NaturalBiologicalME (@naturalwfshme) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A forum for Clandestine plots among the psychopathic & delusional "Intellectual Elite & Political Elite" to plot murders anonymously…

NaturalBiologicalME (@naturalwfshme) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Racially Motivated Imminent Domain "Victims" .... ?? Perhaps the past needs to remain in the past because the earth belongs to the living - and Black Americans -living in predominantly Black American Communities -are being endangered set up for destruction, because of the fools

Jessica Rojas 🇺🇸💪 (@catsscareme2021) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This beautiful baby died within 48 hours of 8 different vaccines. She received the following shots- HIB, Prevnar, Rotateq, Dtap, IPV and Hep B. "So this past weekend, my roommate's daughter Gevanni passed away. She was a happy healthy baby and she would have turned 5 months

This beautiful baby died within 48 hours of 8 different vaccines.  

She received the following shots- HIB, Prevnar, Rotateq, Dtap, IPV and Hep B. 

"So this past weekend, my roommate's daughter Gevanni passed away. She was a happy healthy baby and she would have turned 5 months
NaturalBiologicalME (@naturalwfshme) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Anyone else REALIZE the enemies of the United States of America - are in fact the collective European Nations. In function they are nothing, but Vampires - seriously they literally consume our lifeforce - Toil & Blood. While simultaneous rooting for our destruction.... as