Father Michael White
Leading and feeding a growing group of disciples, Orthodox in our Catholic faith, dynamic and creative in our commitment to the New Evangelization.
ID: 69069459
http://nativitypastor.tv/ 26-08-2009 19:22:16
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All my thanks go to Church of the Nativity member ministers, hundreds strong, who helped us serve thousands of parishioners, new comers, and guests this past weekend, our annual fall launch weekend.

Do yourself a favor this fall and take a few minutes a day for the next 40 days uncovering what matter with Father Michael White & Tom Corcoran new book from Ave Maria Press

Father Michael White & Tom Corcoran face some difficult questions life sends our way. Check. it out Ave Maria Press.

Today Church of the Nativity says goodbye to one of our most faithful pastoral care ministers. Rest in peace Christina Bower.

Uncover what really matters with Father Michael White and Tom Corcoran latest book form Ave Maria Press

If you like to know more about what's coming up in the year ahead here Church of the Nativity check out my new blog post Father Michael White

Why not join Church of the Nativity for Mass this weekend ? A challenging message, inspiring & uplifting message, outrageous hospitality, and programs your kids will love. Today at 5pm, Sunday at 9 & 11am and now 5:30pm,,,,on our Ridgely Rd campus or online.