Nathan Marchant
Behavioural Neuroscientist interested in the link between brain and motivation.
Assistant Professor @AnatNeu_Ams, @amsterdamumc.
ID: 1021852595168731136
24-07-2018 20:20:18
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Our last paper in #TranslationalPsychiatry (Springer Nature) with Vernon García Rivas as 1st author: About 'From precision psychopharmacology to precision medicine'
New paper alert! Our research describing the role of GABAergic neurons in Lateral Hypothalamus in alcohol memories is out now in Current Biology. Huge effort from first author Isis Alonso-Lozares, and the many coauthors who helped. Check it out!…
super happy to announce that our latest publication is now online… huge shout out to Gray Gereau María Luisa Torruella Suárez, PhD Sarah Sizer, Ph.D., Mengfan Xia, Diana Zhou, Luke Wykoff, Adonay Teklezghi, Ali Alvarez, Kristi Boyt, Tom Kash for all bringing this one in!
Pleased to see this paper on punishment learning with Phil Jean-Richard-dit-Bressel, Kelly Gaetani, Liz Zeng, and Gabe Weidemann, published in Behavioral Neuroscience special issue on translational research. open access:… We describe a task, with strong construct and predictive… I’m happy to share our latest work on neural signatures of alcohol use disorder🧠🍷Neuropsychopharmacology.Using a multi-symptomatic addiction model,we've pinpointed synaptic alterations in prelimbic cortex occurring exclusively in rats manifesting AUD-like traits!
TOMORROW is the deadline to register to attend Eur Behav Pharm Soc. & EBBStweets's joint Mini-conference for FENS. Members of either society can register for free. Learn about the neural mechanisms driving behaviour by signing up at the event site here…
Register to join us at the Eur Behav Pharm Soc. EBBStweets joint mini-conference on June 25th in Vienna. We will hear about some awesome cross-species behavioral neuroscience research and have an opportunity to network in a more intimate setting before the start of FENS. 👇👇👇
If you have any interest in a preclinical perspective on salience encoding and alcohol use disorder, be sure to come by our session at RSoA tomorrow (Tues, June 24, 9:15-10:30, Nicollet D) featuring Karina Possa Abrahao Nathan Marchant Kristine Yoon & woody hopf
🔥New Paper from the lab! Led by Masakazu Taira (Masa) and our awesome team, we reveal the learning components signaled by dopamine release in the Nucleus Accumbens core (NAcC):…
The first zona incerta paper from the Perry lab is out! Massive congratulations to Brandon Richards who is driving this project and has summarised the paper beautifully in this 🧵👇
This paper, led by Joanna O-Y Yau and Amy Li, shows that an aversive/traumatic event recruits an opponent process in the brain to greatly limit how much fear is learned. Concurrent positive affect may be important for this (watch this space).…