The National Athletic Trainers’ Association is the professional membership association for athletic trainers and others who support the profession.
ID: 39566443
http://www.nata.org 12-05-2009 18:52:59
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National recommendations call for cooling heat stroke patients before transporting them to the hospital, but as David Schechter found out, only 11 states require ambulance services to follow this life-saving protocol.

Save a life with someone experiencing exertional heat stroke. COOL FIRST, TRANSPORT SECOND. Please share this 4 minutes clip with your EMS, team physician, school administrators and parents. NATA EATA '49 ATSNJ, Inc. Korey Stringer Institute youtu.be/MtdjjA2pZ-s?fe… 

Thanks FOX Weather for featuring our Athletic Director Scott Galloway nation wide this morning to discuss how we keep our students safe during this Texas heat! NATA White Settlement ISD foxweather.com/watch/play-754…

The signing of HB290. John Wesley Foster Act requires all schools/school events to create/implement a cardiac emergency response plan/team. American Heart Association, ALATA, Medical Association of the State of Alabama and the NFL joined forces to help construct, lobby & pass this bill. We were honored to play a role.

NATA Board Member Scott Galloway, MBA, ATC, LAT was featured on FOX Weather this morning and discussed how to keep athletes safe in the Texas summer heat. Watch here: foxweather.com/watch/play-754…

MAKE SURE THE SCHOOL HAS AN ATHLETIC TRAINER. Thank you CBS Mornings for helping spread the word. @seata9 @nata1950 Korey Stringer Institute #gATa #EveryAthleteDeservesAnAthleticTrainer #PlaySafe cbsnews.com/news/student-a…

JOHN DOHERTY: School officials need to act now in wake of rash of youth football deaths Powers Health JEDtv Sports Network The Associated Press TeamSafe®Sports Scott Anderson Concussion Legacy Foundation Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach NATA nwitimes.com/sports/high-sc…

The SSATC would like to provide a video introduction for each of the District Representatives. Today is SEATA District IX Representative Tony Hunter. AT community, please show Tony support and some love as he continues to advocate for our profession and for the secondary school setting.