Creatives & Coffee this Tuesday, 12/10/19 in Normal Heights at 9:30 AM
They will have a speaker there from a marketing agency to share some tips and tricks to improving your social media presence. If you are interested, Check out the Eventbrite link...…
Music Lessons Make Kids Smarter
Dutch 6-year-olds that sang, listened to music and played an instrument one to two hours a week showed significantly enhanced cognitive abilities and better grades two and a half years later.…
If getting more active is one of your New Year’s resolutions...
Check out our Community Partner San Diego Social Leagues and their New Year, New Sports & New Friends post below and sign up for one of their programs as the New YOU!…
Do you know that most people have goals they wish to achieve with every coming New Year? Many people see January as a time for renewal, growth and re-balancing of commitments. These can include eating...…
Educators have switched from preaching to kids about environmental degradation to using hands-on lessons to get K-12 students not only interested in the world’s environmental...…
At least one-third of early deaths could be prevented if people moved to a largely plant-based diet.
#plantbaseddiet #livelonger…