naomi karavani
special on youtube 👇
ID: 1547115540
https://youtu.be/p18FIxZCW9U?si=M1uSgiJ73kCRBQdQ 26-06-2013 02:27:11
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NEW QUORATORS w/ the lovely naomi karavani! → Is being uncut really that bad? I've heard so many bad things about it? → I felt a soft pop in my chest. Did my heart explode? → What it’s best, to live in a bog city or in a little town? GO LISTEN TO IT youtu.be/-gQBR2emEmE

Thanks to Nathan Macintosh and naomi karavani for hanging out with Jim Norton on #JimAndSam this morning! Check out the full episode now on the SiriusXM app.

TONIGHT! 🔥 Comedy Records Showcase ft. Mark DeBonis, naomi karavani, Atheer Yacoub, Jarrett Campbell at 7p at MIDTOWN! Get tix⤵️ newyorkcomedyclub.com/events/comedy-…

Saturday come help us raise money for the NYC-DSA 🌹 chapter! Grab a ticket at bit.ly/PaidProtestSep

🔥 Comedy Records Presents naomi karavani, Alex Pavone, Atheer Yacoub, Sabeen Sadiq at 7p at MIDTOWN! Get tix⤵️ newyorkcomedyclub.com/events/comedy-…

According to Israel’s Ynetnews, Israel is charging US journalist Jeremy Loffredo with “aiding the enemy during wartime and providing information to the enemy” for reporting on the Israeli military targets hit by Iran earlier this month. Israel is detaining and prosecuting an