PhD in Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. Postdoc researcher at @unibordeaux & @pie_upvehu (@upvehu) 🌊🌊
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26-09-2012 20:01:46
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Researchers of PiE-UPV/EHU participating in the PRIMO24 meeting in Nantes. Hopefully we will organize PRIMO28 in Bilbao! as fantastic as in Nantes Fiera Project Euskampus N. Amaia Orbea Ibon Cancio Zuriñe Baña

We are back home after a week full of science in Nantes at #Primo22 where our researchers from PiE-UPV/EHU and Université de Bordeaux presented multiple works inside of the Fiera Project

I can believe it is finished! Thank you #Primo22 for such a week!! Fiera Project PiE-UPV/EHU Université de Bordeaux

Our week started full of science! We presented the results of both Fiera Project and we have our 2nd meeting of ou LTC about microplastic toxicity in the BoB with the psrtenet of PiE-UPV/EHU UPV/EHU Euskampus Université de Bordeaux

Izugarrizko plazerra beti bezala proeiktu honetan parte hartu ahal izana Fiera Project PiE-UPV/EHU ordezkari giza Hori bai ez da batere erabaki erraza izan Eskerrik asko 🌈 MATER Museo Ekoaktiboa ⚓️ MATER Museo Ecoactivo ekimen honengatik!!

🔛⛴️🌈 Abian da 2024ko #ZEROZABORURETAN kanpaina 🌈 MATER Museo Ekoaktiboa ⚓️ MATER Museo Ecoactivo-n. Kanpainaren seigarren edizioa da aurtengoa, eta Euskadiko kostaldeko hainbat portutara hurbilduko da uztailean, herritarrak itsas zaborren arazoaz kontzientziatzeko. ℹ️ INFORMAZIO GEHIAGO 👇🏼

This year we have also had the plessure to participate in 🌈 MATER Museo Ekoaktiboa ⚓️ MATER Museo Ecoactivo #ZeroZaborUrteran campaign . Do you want to know more about it? Ckeck out the links below and follow their journey from Bilbao to Pasaia 🌈⛵

🛍️¿Son sostenibles las bolsas biodegradables? ¿Qué impacto tienen sobre la salud del planeta y la nuestra? 👩🔬Miren Cajaraville, profesora e investigadora del PiE-UPV/EHU nos acerca al mundo de los plásticos biobasados. youtu.be/iPzKvPSMdok?fe…

Last week I had the opportunity to be part of the master thesis jury of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (ECT+) at PiE-UPV/EHU, where our student Isabella, presented her project about microplastic identification in mussels 🐚🔬Such a great work! Congratulations to everyone!! 🎉👏

El 27 de septiembre llega Ikertzaileen Gaua al Arenal de Bilbao🧪🔬 (17:00) ¡Únete a una velada llena de ciencia y diversión, donde podrás conocer a investigador@s de primer nivel! tinyurl.com/52fbfuxm #EuropeanResearchersNight #NightSpain G-9 de Universidades Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

Today we had the #2024 General Assembly. Here we present you part of "PiE-UPV/EHU researcher family" ZTF-FCT EMBRC (European Marine Biological Resource Centre) EMBRC-Spain

El Campus Transfronterizo de la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU) y la Universidad de Burdeos (Université de Bordeaux) cumple diez años colaborando en formación e investigación. Este Campus Transfronterizo surgió en 2014 a partir de los programas de excelencia de ambas universidades y

Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen eta Bordeleko Unibertsitatearen (Université de Bordeaux ) arteko Mugaz Gaindiko Campusak hamar urte bete ditu prestakuntzan eta ikerketan elkarlana bultzatzen. Mugaz gaindiko campus hau 2014an sortu zen, bi unibertsitateen bikaintasun-programetatik

Part of the Fiera Project and #LTCAquEus team that met in the frame of the #EHUEuskampusBordeauxEguna Congrats to all the team for the great achievements in deciphering tha fate and impact of #microplastics and #nanoplastics Euskampus UPV/EHU PiE-UPV/EHU Université de Bordeaux