Aditya Nigam (@naditya123) 's Twitter Profile
Aditya Nigam


AsP (SCEE), IIT Mandi

ID: 140786620

link calendar_today06-05-2010 11:03:10

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712 Following

Ratan N. Tata (@rntata2000) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The COVID 19 crisis is one of the toughest challenges we will face as a race. The Tata Trusts and the Tata group companies have in the past risen to the needs of the nation. At this moment, the need of the hour is greater than any other time.

The COVID 19 crisis is one of the toughest challenges we will face as a race. The Tata Trusts and the Tata group companies have in the past risen to the needs of the nation. At this moment, the need of the hour is greater than any other time.
MachineLearningPlus - Complete Data Science (@r_programming) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This repo contains a few survey papers related to machine learning. Survey papers are a great way to review current trends in ML and other related areas, and can help you find interesting research topics. #machinelearning #deeplearning #datascience

This repo contains a few survey papers related to machine learning.

Survey papers are a great way to review current trends in ML and other related areas, and can help you find interesting research topics.

#machinelearning #deeplearning #datascience
Aditya Nigam (@naditya123) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Two day Interdisciplinary Research Enclave (IRE-2023) going on at IIT Mandi (2-3 September, 2023). Our Director, Prof. Behera along with Dr. Ankush Mittal conducting several sessions. Director, IIT Mandi IIT Mandi SCEE - IIT Mandi IIT Mandi Catalyst

Abir Das (@abirdasucr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Call for Tutorials at ICVGIP 2023 is out *Deadline: 04 October 2023*… Would love to take questions as Tutorials Chairs with Aditya Nigam Aditya Nigam

Smerity (@smerity) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The mixture of softmaxes, which currently achieves SotA on word level language modeling (PTB + WikiText-2), fixes a fairly fundamental flaw in softmax, with likely broader implications.…

Ian Goodfellow (@goodfellow_ian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

While GANs have been great at generating realistic images from a single category (one GAN for faces, another GAN for buildings) they've always struggled to fit all 1,000 classes of ImageNet with a single GAN. This ICLR submission has done it:

While GANs have been great at generating realistic images from a single category (one GAN for faces, another GAN for buildings) they've always struggled to fit all 1,000 classes of ImageNet with a single GAN. This ICLR submission has done it: