Nicholas Serafin (@n__serafin) 's Twitter Profile
Nicholas Serafin


Assistant Professor, Santa Clara University School of Law
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ID: 1245408591646986240

calendar_today01-04-2020 17:52:20

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SSRN (@ssrn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

States are targeting #LGBTQ+ youth, transgender particularly. This article looks at #discriminatory laws & how the equal protection doctrine can protect these individuals. Read: Subscribe: Nicholas Serafin Santa Clara Law #LawTwitter

States are targeting #LGBTQ+ youth, transgender particularly. This article looks at #discriminatory laws & how the equal protection doctrine can protect these individuals.


<a href="/N__Serafin/">Nicholas Serafin</a> <a href="/santaclaralaw/">Santa Clara Law</a> #LawTwitter
James Surowiecki (@jamessurowiecki) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is JD Vance, graduate of Yale Law, saying that if he'd been VP, he would have tried to exercise power he didn't have under the Constitution, and would have unconstitutionally ordered states to certify Trump electors along with Biden's, even though Trump did not win.

UC Law Journal (@uclawjournal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The fourth article in Volume 75 Issue 2 is "BORN TO EQUALITY: Minor Children, Equal Protection, and State Laws Targeting LGBTQ+ Youth" by Nicholas Serafin of Santa Clara Law.…

UC Law Journal (@uclawjournal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Nicholas Serafin Santa Clara Law This Article demonstrates that the Court has recognized that minor children deserve heightened protection from laws that impair their ability to view themselves, their peers, and their families as equal members of the community.

UC Law Journal (@uclawjournal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Nicholas Serafin Santa Clara Law This Article proposes an alternative interpretation of recent parental rights rhetoric, arguing that this rhetoric masks a concerted political effort to re-stigmatize LGBTQ+ identity itself.

zeynep tufekci (@zeynep) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Horrifying. Has everyone lost the plot? So little attention either to the actual war in Gaza or all this? Some students being foolish seems minor compared to a nationwide crackdown on protest—in red states but not just. What rights will people miss under a Trump presidency?

zeynep tufekci (@zeynep) 's Twitter Profile Photo

See his thread for that shocking video.😢 Instead, now showing up in militarized gear for what’s being widely reported as bunch of students in tents, seemingly for violating an administrative rule just changed so that they could be found in violation of it. 📷 Olivia Paschal

See his thread for that shocking video.😢

Instead, now showing up in militarized gear for what’s being widely reported as bunch of students in tents, seemingly for violating an administrative rule just changed so that they could be found in violation of it.

📷 <a href="/oliviacpaschal/">Olivia Paschal</a>
derek guy (@dieworkwear) 's Twitter Profile Photo

incredible that this country fights tooth and nail when it comes to raising the minimum wage and building affordable housing. the police harasses the poor when they wander amongst us as citizens and now arrests ppl for sleeping in public. we punish others for our own failings.

Nicholas Serafin (@n__serafin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It's heartening to see courts striking down laws targeting LGBTQ+ youth as violations of equal protection & parental rights. I set out a framework for making these arguments in my recent UC Law Journal article "Born to Equality" ➡️…

Michiko Kakutani (@michikokakutani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Yale Law School should be embarrassed. It's now given us JD Vance, Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavanaugh, John Yoo, and Alan Dershowitz.

sean illing (@seanilling) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I repeat: A party that cannot — or will not — course correct in the face of this will have a hard time justifying its existence

Mehdi Hasan (@mehdirhasan) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Kamala Harris won't be the perfect or ideal candidate. She won't appeal to everyone. She'll make gaffes. But she'll be a history-making candidate. She'll get a poll bump - & I hope she'll aggressively prosecute the case against Trump as I know she can do - & Biden can't seem to.

Nils Gilman (@nils_gilman) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I think most of my friends in academia haven't really wrapped their head around what is coming down the pike if Trump gets a second term. A brief 🧵

Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) 's Twitter Profile Photo

7/ People like Vance and all the other members of the gun cult use this language about "soft" and "hardened targets" as a kind of commando chic, as though ordinary civil spaces are inherently war zones. But they're not. They did that. What's lost on even ...

Max Stearns (@maxwell_stearns) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I made a personal commitment years ago to discuss every single mass shooting that takes place in class while I'm teaching constitutional law. This includes observing that this phenomenon is unique to the US, isn't justified by the Second Amendment, and must never be normalized.