Nancy Scheller (@n_8schell) 's Twitter Profile
Nancy Scheller


Alternative School Principal, mother, and lover of math! Life-long learner and supporter of all students!

ID: 1089606577

calendar_today14-01-2013 17:12:27

194 Tweet


545 Following

Justin Tarte (@justintarte) 's Twitter Profile Photo

When the adults in a school acknowledge & greet each other kindly & genuinely, it’s a clear modeling & example for students to do the same to their fellow classmates. This is #culture building one salutation at a time. #edchat #education

Lee Araoz (@leearaoz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Passive vs. Active Learning We MUST move BEYOND substitution!! from my post: The 50-50 Rule of Technology Integration. #satchat

Passive vs. Active Learning
We MUST move BEYOND substitution!!
from my post:
The 50-50 Rule 
of Technology Integration.
Adam Welcome (@mradamwelcome) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I am so tired of nice! Everyone should be nice. But-are you fearless? Innovating? Trying something new? Collaborating? A leader? An advocate for kids? Nice should be a given. Be something more! #KidsDeserveIt #msuccrsummit18

Justin Tarte (@justintarte) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The attitudes of the adults in a school quickly become the attitudes of the students. Never forget that #attitude is contagious.

Justin Tarte (@justintarte) 's Twitter Profile Photo

There are those who go looking for fault. They are waiting for a mistake; hoping for a misstep and ready to pounce. Be the opposite. Choose to find the good in people. Choose to give others the benefit of the doubt. Choose to show compassion and lift up.