Patti Myshrall (@myshrallpatti) 's Twitter Profile
Patti Myshrall


Spiritual, funny, compassionate and kind. All I strive to be every day. Mom of 3. Autism Mom. Avid book reader! HUGE Outlander Fan! Now HUGE Pres Zelensky Fan!

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calendar_today17-09-2020 04:52:59

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Occupy Democrats (@occupydemocrats) 's Twitter Profile Photo

BREAKING NEWS: A Judge rules that Mesa, Colorado’s pro-Trump election officials are barred from overseeing November’s midterm election for “neglecting their duties” in 2020 by pushing Trump’s Big Lie in attempt to help Trump steal Biden’s win. RT TO THANK THE JUDGE!

Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Finnish daily Helsingin Sanomat writes that Finland and Sweden will submit simultaneous membership applications to NATO early next week. 🇸🇪🇫🇮

NBC News (@nbcnews) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ukrainians from the Black Sea coast fled to Odesa in hopes of finding safety. But land mines now cover its beaches and regular missile strikes have made the city increasingly tense.

Patti Myshrall (@myshrallpatti) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ahhhhh…Mom’s remedy and CBS always made me feel better! And TANG! The stuff astronauts drink!! I LOVED that stuff!! Do they even make it any more?? Sometimes I wish we could go back to those days…🤧🤒🤕🍲🥤🧃📺❤️

Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський (@zelenskyyua) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Провів чергові перемовини з канцлером 🇩🇪 Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz. Говорили про оборонну допомогу, взаємодію в енергетичній сфері, посилення санкційного тиску на російського агресора. Цінуємо високий рівень діалогу з 🇩🇪 та підтримку в нашій боротьбі!

Sahdah Tay🐝 (@malika_imani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Standing in line at the supermarket and this lady with a small kid is counting change to pay for eggs and a quart of milk. Tell me why another lady behind me saw me reach for my wallet and said "wanna go half on some more food for her?" GIRL, YES. I love good people, fr.

Amy Klobuchar (@amyklobuchar) 's Twitter Profile Photo

No, the Senate bill codifying Roe did not pass, but tomorrow we get up and we fight again. And in November, we take that fight right to the ballot box.

Occupy Democrats (@occupydemocrats) 's Twitter Profile Photo

BREAKING: Former Democratic Sen. Al Franken discusses running for office, says he has to discern if it would be a "terrible experience" for his family — but adds that he's "open" to the idea because he loves to "accomplish things for people." RT IF YOU HOPE FRANKEN RUNS AGAIN!

Michael McFaul (@mcfaul) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I wish we were hearing more outrage from leaders in the Middle East and Africa about how Putin is showing zero concern about food supplies to your countries. Zero.

Occupy Democrats (@occupydemocrats) 's Twitter Profile Photo

BREAKING NEWS: Protesters wearing outfits from The Handmaid’s Tale protest outside of anti-choice Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s house to hold her accountable for her stance against Roe v. Wade. RT THIS IF YOU SUPPORT THE PROTESTERS!

Patti Myshrall (@myshrallpatti) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I am still here Yaroslava on the coast of Maine in the USA 🇺🇸. I will stand by you and bear witness to your War Diary as well as the War Crimes committed by Putin and his army. As you said it is very hard but we must stand up and be the voice for those murdered. #SlavaUkraïni 🇺🇦

Patti Myshrall (@myshrallpatti) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I agree with you Lakota Man The racist attitude and actions are still so very present today and you do not hear of these atrocities committed against our First Nations People. You have 1 day on the news then it goes away. It breaks my heart but I don’t lose hope. I am with you.

Patti Myshrall (@myshrallpatti) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Agreed!Susan Collins is sad to say my Senator from Maine and I am disgusted and disappointed! Playing politics and “standin’ by her man”(The GOP) instead of the people she claims to represent! Outraged but resigned to her lying to the people. #LyingGOP #SusanCollins #AbortTheGOP

Patti Myshrall (@myshrallpatti) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My heart is broken for the murder of these poor innocent children. I hope the perpetrators and their enablers of these atrocities burn in hell for all eternity! My prayers and thoughts are with The First Nations as they mourn this great loss. #IndigenousPeople #FirstNations 💔💔

Patti Myshrall (@myshrallpatti) 's Twitter Profile Photo

May his death always be remembered as a heroic sacrifice in the Victory of Ukraine 🇺🇦 over Putin and his demon soldiers! #SlavaUkraïni 🇺🇦🌻💙💛🕯💟☮️🏅🎖🏵