Melanie Mitchell Wexler(@mwcareercoach) 's Twitter Profileg
Melanie Mitchell Wexler


Career Coach, Job Search Expert & LinkedIn Strategist helping ambitious job seekers position themselves to land their dream jobs.


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Melanie Mitchell Wexler(@mwcareercoach) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hey LinkedIn Help & @LinkedIn - Pretty sure the Service Provider emails have been hacked & getting spammed! Received the same request for the last 11 minutes now 33x over from someone in Africa. Hard to believe I am the only one seeing this!

Melanie Mitchell Wexler(@mwcareercoach) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I'm hosting Career Coaches On Call: Navigating Tough Times with Confidence. Make sure to attend it on May 14.…

Melanie Mitchell Wexler(@mwcareercoach) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I'm hosting Career Coaches On Call: Interview Mastery . Make sure to attend it tomorrow.…

Melanie Mitchell Wexler(@mwcareercoach) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🌟 Leaving your job doesn't mean leaving behind valuable connections.

Remember, it's not just about what you can gain; it's about nurturing relationships for mutual benefit. Let's discuss! 💬… via LinkedIn

Melanie Mitchell Wexler(@mwcareercoach) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.” – Bruce Lee
