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ID: 2750806485
24-08-2014 20:52:43
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Senior Infielder/Pitcher Dylan Wrona will study Business Entrepreneurship at Arizona State University! Dylan Wrona was ready to take on a big role for us as our opening day starter and key position player. His versatility and leadership will be missed

Senior Pitcher/Infielder Zach Pearce will be attending Bradley University and playing hockey! Zach Pearce was one of our multi-sport seniors and we hope more of our players follow his lead! His dedication and commitment to both of his sports was impressive

Senior Ryan Schlesinger will study Business at University of Iowa! ryan.schles was a leader throughout our off-season workouts-never missing a morning lift or open gym. He was on track to play a big role in our Outfield with his speed and defensive ability

Best school board ever! Thanks for the personal delivery of the famous Indian Prairie 204 retirement bowl! Will miss all of you. So proud to lead such a great district! Susan Demming Cathy Piehl Natasha Grover Laurie Donahue Michael Raczak Mark Rising karub

Senior Third Baseman Cade Sullivan will continue to play baseball and study finance at Western Michigan University! Cade Sullivan leaves the Metea baseball program as the triple crown leader in program history-most HR, RBI, and best career batting average!

"4 Research-Backed Reasons Why You Should Exercise for Stress Relief" via Bicycling Magazine ow.ly/wl9K50A2TiS

"The mental health benefits of exercise, physical activity" via Action News on 6abc - ow.ly/FJjK50C3ocq

Congratulations to Mrs Abruscato on being named the Metea Valley High School PTSA February Tireless Teacher! Well deserved! MVHS PE, HEALTH, and DRIVER EDUCATION Marty the Mustang The Stampede Principal Echols The Mane Mrs. Abruscato Metea Boosters Metea Athletics

Special congrats to our A+ Award winning teacher Jennifer Torza. She is truly invested in the success of her students. Thanks to Dr. Talley for visiting with her today! Go Go Mustangs! Metea Valley HS ATalley204