Todd Valerius
Developmental Biologist at Brigham and Women's Hospital trying to understand the kidney.
ID: 14720083
http://valeriuslab.org/ 10-05-2008 01:21:36
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Very excited to share our multi-omic analysis of healthy human kidney, the first output of our CZI Science funded effort to support the Human Cell Atlas! Co-led by @YoshiharuMuto and Parker Wilson , we performed snRNA-seq and snATAC-seq (1/7) biorxiv.org/content/10.110…

Please explore the data on K.I.T. where it is all available. Fantastic teamwork from all: @YoshiharuMuto Parker Wilson Haojia Wu Sushrut Waikar – 🙏🙏🙏 And thank you CZI Science for funding! fin humphreyslab.com/SingleCell/

Kidney development: there's diversity in between A Research Highlight featuring a new study from Alicia England, Christopher Chaney, Amrita Das, Mohita Patel, Alicia Malewska, Daniel Armendariz, Gary Hon, Douglas Strand, Keri Drake and Thomas Carroll dev.biologists.org/content/147/15…

Congratulations Sue Susan Quaggin on becoming President of the ASN. In addition to being an incredible researcher, clinician and teacher, you are an inspiring, thoughtful and caring leader! We are in great hands.

I am excited to share our most recent work out in @nature today (accelerated preview) : Decoding myofibroblast origin in human kidney fibrosis. Study lead by Christoph Kuppe and Mahmoud Ibrahim @ur_fav_gene, two fellows from my lab nature.com/articles/s4158… 1/10

This work is the product of a wonderful collaboration among Internal Medicine, Cell Biology, Mol Biol, and Bioinformatics that investigates renal lymphatic structure and function. Congratulations to first author Hao Liu. UTSW Nephrology Cell Biology UTSW UTSW Internal Medicine (Re)BuildingaKidney