Mohammad Shamim Hasan Mandal (@mshmandal) 's Twitter Profile
Mohammad Shamim Hasan Mandal


JSPS Research Fellow at Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS)

#mangrove #remotesensing

ID: 129318576

calendar_today03-04-2010 22:38:01

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Benjamin Weigel (@benjamin_weigel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Fantastic 3 year post-doc position in Statistical Ecology, aiming at contributing to the development and/or applications of joint species distribution modelling as well as other areas of statistical ecology. DL 24th July…

Mohammad Shamim Hasan Mandal (@mshmandal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#Aboveground biomass estimation of an old‐growth #mangrove forest using airborne #LiDAR in the Philippines - Mandal - Ecological Research - Wiley Online Library…

Kristina J. Anderson-Teixeira (@k_a_teixeira) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If you're researching forest mortality/ biomass loss and the interventions that can reduce these losses (and thereby help mitigate climate change), please submit your abstract to our #AGU24 session:… (organized with Luca Morreale and ecological maudlin 🍃)

Ecological Research (@ecologicalres) 's Twitter Profile Photo

<SPECIAL FEATURE: #BlueCarbon Dynamics in Coastal Habitats 3> Aboveground biomass estimation of an old-growth mangrove forest using airborne LiDAR in the Philippines Mohammad Shamim Hasan Mandal Mohammad Shamim Hasan Mandal, Rempei Suwa et al… AGB Remote sensing

&lt;SPECIAL FEATURE: #BlueCarbon Dynamics in Coastal Habitats 3&gt;

Aboveground biomass estimation of an old-growth mangrove forest using airborne LiDAR in the Philippines

Mohammad Shamim Hasan Mandal <a href="/mshmandal/">Mohammad Shamim Hasan Mandal</a>, Rempei Suwa et al…

Remote sensing
Ecological Research (@ecologicalres) 's Twitter Profile Photo

特集 #BlueCarbon 「フィリピンにおける航空機搭載LiDARを用いたマングローブ老齢林の地上部バイオマス推定」

Jamie M. Kass (@ndimhypervol) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Macroecology Lab is hiring a postdoc. Applicants should be proficient in species distribution modeling, GIS, and R. Those who want to do research in an international env. are esp. welcome. If interested, please DM or email me. Details in link below.…

Mike Wulder (@mikewulder) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🆕! Goal is 30 m global #biomass. Need equations to link ground conditions to space-laser measurements. Neuenschwander et al. Towards global spaceborne #lidar biomass: Developing and applying boreal forest biomass models for #ICESat2 laser altimetry data.…

Prof. Farhana Sultana (@prof_fsultana) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hundreds of students injured in clashes, several killed, as Bangladesh ruling party’s student wing & cops attack & shoot students in campuses across the country. This is fascism. “‘We sought rights’: Bangladesh on edge after quota protest turns violent”…

Forrest M. Hoffman (@climate_dude) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are soliciting abstracts for AGU (American Geophysical Union) Annual Meeting for a Biogeosciences Session on the global carbon cycle and feedbacks #AGU24…

Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) (@leibnizzmt) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Planted #mangrove forests can sequester 75% of the #carbon of intact stands within 20 to 40 years. This is the result of a study with contributions from ZMT’s Tim Jennerjahn. The study, led by USDA Forest Service, has just been published in Science Advances. 🔗…

Planted #mangrove forests can sequester 75% of the #carbon of intact stands within 20 to 40 years. This is the result of a study with contributions from ZMT’s <a href="/JennerjahnTim/">Tim Jennerjahn</a>. The study, led by <a href="/forestservice/">USDA Forest Service</a>, has just been published in <a href="/ScienceAdvances/">Science Advances</a>. 🔗…
NASAEarthdata (@nasaearthdata) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A new Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) Level 4C Footprint Level Waveform Structural Complexity Index dataset at NASA's #ORNLDAAC provides near-global estimate of forest canopy structural complexity and its uncertainties. Learn more:

A new Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) Level 4C Footprint Level Waveform Structural Complexity Index dataset at NASA's #ORNLDAAC provides near-global estimate of forest canopy structural complexity and its uncertainties. 

Learn more:
Paul Carnell (@paulecarnell) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📣 Running a coastal #restoration project? We created a Guide to account for the benefits of restoring #bluecarbon ecosystems! 🌍 The Guide aims to improve how we quantify the environmental and economic benefits of restoration using the SEEA framework 🔗…

📣 Running a coastal #restoration project? We created a Guide to account for the benefits of restoring #bluecarbon ecosystems!

🌍 The Guide aims to improve how we quantify the environmental and economic benefits of restoration using the SEEA framework

Forrest M. Hoffman (@climate_dude) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are seeking an early career scientist to join our team in the Integrated Computational Earth Sciences (ICES) Group at Oak Ridge Lab #jobs #ORNL #model #data…

Prof. Farhana Sultana (@prof_fsultana) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My interview on why Nobel Laureate Dr. Mohammad Yunus Muhammad Yunus is right choice now to lead the interim government of #Bangladesh at this time. #Yunus #ReformBangladesh…

Prof. Farhana Sultana (@prof_fsultana) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#Bangladesh young women were central to the student movement, but aren’t often as photographed as their male counterparts who gave frequent interviews & part of government cabinet now. This is particularly true for Nusrat Tabassum, one of the student leaders who was also jailed.

#Bangladesh young women were central to the student movement, but aren’t often as photographed as their male counterparts who gave frequent interviews &amp; part of government cabinet now. This is particularly true for Nusrat Tabassum, one of the student leaders who was also jailed.
Jamie M. Kass (@ndimhypervol) 's Twitter Profile Photo

REMINDER: The Macroecology Lab Tohoku University is hiring a postdoc. Applicants should be proficient in species distribution modeling, GIS, and R. If interested, please DM or email (if making the deadline is difficult, please reach out). Details in link below.…

Forrest M. Hoffman (@climate_dude) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are seeking a Front End Software Engineer to improve data discovery for the next generation Earth System Grid Federation #ESGF Come join our team in the Computational Earth Sciences Group at Oak Ridge Lab!…

Di Yang 杨荻 (@yangdi1031) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I am pleased to announce a 3-year postdoctoral opportunity at Emory University, associated with our recently #NASA-funded project. This position offers a unique chance to work at the forefront of #remotesensing, #citizenscience, and public health. #postdoc

I am pleased to announce a 3-year postdoctoral opportunity at Emory University, associated with our recently #NASA-funded project. This position offers a unique chance to work at the forefront of #remotesensing, #citizenscience, and public health. #postdoc