April G (@msdwater) 's Twitter Profile
April G


She/her. Middle School ELA teacher. Interested in all things equity & literacy related. Love to get outside & travel.

ID: 2989025748

calendar_today18-01-2015 22:54:30

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Pernille Ripp (@pernilleripp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

When students share their truths with us and we take it as a chance to question their grammar and spelling skills instead of listening to their words, we are once more complicit in the killing of student voice and engagement with school - that's on us, that's a choice

CathleenBeachboard (@cathleenbeachbd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Brian Rozinsky I agree with you. Bias is easier to weed out when more views are presented. I like StoryCorps because they allow students to record the stories of people in their life and they upload the stories to the library of Congress. All people need a chance to be heard. #sunchat

june behrmann (@aimnoncat) 's Twitter Profile Photo

if only all educators would adopt as broad a view about diversity as We Need Diverse Books. Check out this organization. It is a great resource for diversity and inclusion. #sunchat #inclusion #diversity

April G (@msdwater) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Wondering how much the LGBTQ population is represented in your curriculums? I can tell you that it’s absent in ours. #sunchat

DMVelliaris PhD (Ed) (@dmvelliaris) 's Twitter Profile Photo

‘Culture’ is the fundamental building block of ‘identity’ & developing a strong cultural identity is essential to Ss’ healthy sense of who they are & where they belong. Schools can nurture, celebrate & reinforce the development of students’ unique cultural identit(ies). #sunchat

Mrs. Telannia Norfar, NBCT (@thnorfar) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Brian Rozinsky Have I told you how much I love your shares today! I think even if the curriculum changed, if Ts don’t address their bias we are dead in the water. I think constant training is needed in America even if you live where there is no diversity. #sunchat

Jeffrey Austin (@jaustinedu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

April G We have a strong LGBTQ+ focus in my Humanities classes, but my students reported that it was the first time they encountered any LGBTQ+ writers, especially LGBTQ+ writers of color. I wrote about the importance of inclusive curriculums recently. #SunChat jeffreyaustin.org/2018/11/05/on-…

April G (@msdwater) 's Twitter Profile Photo

April, 7th gr ELA in WI. When it comes to current events, we evaluate sources and look at historical context. #sunchat

Clint Smith (@clintsmithiii) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Here are some excellent resources from @Tolerance_org to help teachers looking to address a lot of the dangerous rhetoric in our political discourse: tolerance.org/classroom-reso…

April G (@msdwater) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If any kind souls out there would like to donate to my 7th grade classroom, my students and I would be forever grateful!!! amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls… #clearthelists

April G (@msdwater) 's Twitter Profile Photo

100% hate that teachers have to use #clearthelists to get what we need to serve students well, but here we are. Here’s mine: amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls… #clearthelists2022 #clearthelist2022

April G (@msdwater) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We must see the gifts our students already have and let them know we see them, even (especially) on the days they're fighting us on it. -deray preach! 🙌 #iteachlove

April G (@msdwater) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Classrooms are the first place children learn what power looks like." - deray Think about that. How do we ensure that power dynamic isn't harmful? Important when thinking about equity. #iteachlove

"Classrooms are the first place children learn what power looks like." - <a href="/deray/">deray</a> Think about that. How do we ensure that power dynamic isn't harmful? Important when thinking about equity. #iteachlove
Shannon Mitchell (@shannon0329685) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you Catherine E. Lhamon for an incredibly inspiring keynote before our afternoon sessions on taking action to end racial discipline disparities #E4EMN #ITeachLove

Clint Smith (@clintsmithiii) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I might have said this before, but I truly love the smell of small independent bookstores that have tons of old books in them. Smells like my grandmother’s house but without the biscuits. Maybe they should have bookstores that also make biscuits. That would be ideal for everyone.

Mari Venturino (@msventurino) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Looking for a good #restorativepractices starting point? Ask your kids every day how they are as part of your warm-up/morning work! #tlap #learnLAP mariventurino.com/2017/10/13/dai…

Looking for a good #restorativepractices starting point? Ask your kids every day how they are as part of your warm-up/morning work! #tlap #learnLAP mariventurino.com/2017/10/13/dai…