Karla Soto
1st grade teacher
ID: 985992627911704577
16-04-2018 21:25:36
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Character Traits in First Grade!! Building our monsters and describing them! #cesfirstgrade #OneTeamOneDream Creekview Elementary

Aaron Reynolds Creekview Elementary ! Creepy carrots everywhere!! #CESoneTeamOneDream #cesfirstgrade

Beginning coding in first grade for extension station!! Creekview Elementary #FirstGrade #OneTeamOneDream

This happen!! One of my dreams came true at school today! My kiddos know how much I love sloths. Never thought I would be able to hold one, what a day!!!! Creekview Elementary #firstgrade #oneteamonedream

Our class won the Red Robin Spirit Night participation and the entire class got fed!!! Kiddos were excited! Creekview Elementary #oneteamonedream #firstgrderocks

Got to experiment with Nitrogen today. Kiddos were making inferences and then watching to see if their predictions came true. We finished off by making the most delicious ice cream! Creekview Elementary Tiffany Major #CESoneteamonedream

Having a blast with our Ship shape Unit!! My first maties are rocking it!!! Sorting polygon crackers for Polly the parrot. Creekview Elementary

Why Tomball? Teachers from Creekside Forest Elementary, Creekview Elementary, and Timber Creek Elementary said this feels like home... tomballisd.net/apps/pages/Why…

Camp Read A Lot is going to be so much fun!!! Can’t wait to see all students excited about reading with headlamps! Got to keep it interesting for the last weeks of school. Creekview Elementary #Onedreamoneteam #firstgrade

Starting fraction week. I offered students to choose how much chocolate they would get. The majority chose the smallest piece wothout knowing. They were “upset” when 4 students were getting a bigger piece. By the end of the lesson they understood! Creekview Elementary

Abc countdown.... U day, under the sun. Even Mrs Soto is reading! Beautiful day and kiddos loving reading, win!!! Creekview Elementary #oneteamonedream #firstgrade

Very honored to recognize the 1st Grade Team Creekview Elementary with a $5,000 grant from Tomball Education Foundation for The Gift of Age which will enable students to foster a relationship with the elderly in the community by applying principles learned through Great Expectations. #DestinationExcellence

Day of learning at Tomball! Creekview Elementary #cesbeyondGREATness #amazingracechallenge814