Mrs. Mitschke (@mrsmitschke) 's Twitter Profile
Mrs. Mitschke


ID: 953497172762288128

calendar_today17-01-2018 05:20:15

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Royal Oak School (@royaloakcbe) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Co-teaching and flexible grouping allow teachers to work on targeted goals in small groups. Kindergarten students are retelling a familiar story with loose parts to build out their vocabulary and oral language. CBEEarlyLearning CBE Area 1

Co-teaching and flexible grouping allow teachers to work on targeted goals in small groups. Kindergarten students are retelling a familiar story with loose parts to build out their vocabulary and oral language. <a href="/cbe_earlylearn/">CBEEarlyLearning</a> <a href="/CbeArea1/">CBE Area 1</a>
Mrs. Mitschke (@mrsmitschke) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Happy #InternationalWomensDay2023 from one of our Kinders! How amazing to see families recognizing the strong women in their lives. What a gift!

Happy #InternationalWomensDay2023 from one of our Kinders! How amazing to see families recognizing the strong women in their lives. What a gift!
Mrs. Mitschke (@mrsmitschke) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our classroom through the lens of line as we develop mathematical understanding with cameras to capture their world. Can’t wait to see where this inquiry goes! #weareCBE Royal Oak School

Our classroom through the lens of line as we develop mathematical understanding with cameras to capture their world. Can’t wait to see where this inquiry goes! #weareCBE <a href="/RoyaloakCBE/">Royal Oak School</a>
Royal Oak School (@royaloakcbe) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Na’a has given us a gift for the Spring Equinox. Our students are excited to see who is building this nest. @Indigenous_cbe

Na’a has given us a gift for the Spring Equinox. Our students are excited to see who is building this nest. @Indigenous_cbe
Royal Oak School (@royaloakcbe) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Kindergarten students are investigating mathematical concepts of shape and size through the lens of a Photographer and the results are MAGIC! CBEEarlyLearning

Kindergarten students are investigating mathematical concepts of shape and size through the lens of a Photographer and the results are MAGIC! <a href="/cbe_earlylearn/">CBEEarlyLearning</a>
Calgary Board of Education (@yycbedu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This week is National Volunteer Week! During this week, and every day, we sincerely thank all those who volunteer their time and energy to support our students, staff and schools. #WeAreCBE

This week is National Volunteer Week!
During this week, and every day, we sincerely thank all those who volunteer their time and energy to support our students, staff and schools. #WeAreCBE
CBEEarlyLearning (@cbe_earlylearn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Kindergarten students at Royal Oak School continue their inquiry into “looking closely” as they photograph the land and create meaningful art pieces using a photo transfer technique. CBE Indigenous Education Team #wearecbe #landbasedlearning

Kindergarten students at <a href="/RoyaloakCBE/">Royal Oak School</a> continue their inquiry into “looking closely” as they photograph the land and create meaningful art pieces using a photo transfer technique. <a href="/Indigenous_cbe/">CBE Indigenous Education Team</a> #wearecbe #landbasedlearning
Royal Oak School (@royaloakcbe) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Another successful Bike to School Day today with hundreds of energetic bikers arriving this morning. Many thanks to the amazing volunteers that tagged and sorted all our bikes! #wearecbe

Another successful Bike to School Day today with hundreds of energetic bikers arriving this morning. Many thanks to the amazing volunteers that tagged and sorted all our bikes! #wearecbe
Royal Oak School (@royaloakcbe) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Loose parts allow for so much creativity as children engage with retelling and creating their own fairy tales #letthechildrenplay #storyworkshop

Loose parts allow for so much creativity as children engage with retelling and creating their own fairy tales #letthechildrenplay #storyworkshop
Mrs. Mitschke (@mrsmitschke) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Igniting excitement as our teachers begin to plan a year with amazing artist in residence Sharon Fortowsky. She will inspire connection, collaboration and a renewed focus on community through this work! #cantwait #fangirl Royal Oak School

Igniting excitement as our teachers begin to plan a year with amazing artist in residence Sharon Fortowsky. She will inspire connection, collaboration and a renewed focus on community through this work! #cantwait #fangirl <a href="/RoyaloakCBE/">Royal Oak School</a>
Mrs. Mitschke (@mrsmitschke) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Introducing a new year of kinders to our favourite space. The gift of the fall colors and a visit from a diving duck. What a wonderful Wednesday. Royal Oak School #weareCBE #getoutside #thankyouNa’a

Introducing a new year of kinders to our favourite space. The gift of the fall colors and a visit from a diving duck. What a wonderful Wednesday. <a href="/RoyaloakCBE/">Royal Oak School</a> #weareCBE #getoutside #thankyouNa’a
Mrs. Mitschke (@mrsmitschke) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you Na’a for the colors of fall. After practicing sitting quietly just to BE in the oval wetlands, one student shared, “the wind was talking to us!” as it rustled through the trees. #getoutside #weareCBE #landbasedlearning CBEEarlyLearning CBE Area 1 Royal Oak School

Thank you Na’a for the colors of fall. After practicing sitting quietly just to BE in the oval wetlands, one student shared, “the wind was talking to us!” as it rustled through the trees. #getoutside #weareCBE #landbasedlearning <a href="/cbe_earlylearn/">CBEEarlyLearning</a> <a href="/CbeArea1/">CBE Area 1</a> <a href="/RoyaloakCBE/">Royal Oak School</a>
Calgary Board of Education (@yycbedu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Alberta Education is gathering information and feedback from parents/guardians on the K-6 Social Studies curriculum. Have your say! #WeAreCBE

Mrs. Mitschke (@mrsmitschke) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are big writers! Kindergarten developing our letter knowledge through alphabet inquiry while play continues to connect us with our fish as we monitor the changes in our local pond. #intentionalplay CBEEarlyLearning Royal Oak School

We are big writers! Kindergarten developing our letter knowledge through alphabet inquiry while play continues to connect us with our fish as we monitor the changes in our local pond. #intentionalplay <a href="/cbe_earlylearn/">CBEEarlyLearning</a> <a href="/RoyaloakCBE/">Royal Oak School</a>