Kaitlyn Karian (@mrs_karian) 's Twitter Profile
Kaitlyn Karian


#1stGradeTeacher🍎 #SlipperyRockAlum🦁#RandolphElementary ⭐️

ID: 899682689690865665

calendar_today21-08-2017 17:20:43

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Erin Kowalevicz, NBCT (@mrskowalevicz) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today Randolph ES 1st graders took a walking field trip to a nearby park🌳🗑️♻️Students collected data & made observations about natural resources & pollution. #HowWeExpressOurselves RandolphIB APS Science Office APS Math Office Kaitlyn Karian Lyda Barrera #FunInFirst #FirstGradeRocks

Today <a href="/RandolphStars/">Randolph ES</a> 1st graders took a walking field trip to a nearby park🌳🗑️♻️Students collected data &amp; made observations about natural resources &amp; pollution. #HowWeExpressOurselves <a href="/RandolphIBStars/">RandolphIB</a> <a href="/APSscience/">APS Science Office</a> <a href="/APSMath/">APS Math Office</a> <a href="/Mrs_Karian/">Kaitlyn Karian</a> <a href="/Ms_LydasRoom/">Lyda Barrera</a> #FunInFirst #FirstGradeRocks
Kaitlyn Karian (@mrs_karian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This week First Grade Stars expressed their learning with Kindergarten on how to take care of the Earth ! 🎥 📖 🎵 They also shared glows 💡 and grows 🌱 with peers through reflection on their projects. #HowWeExpressOurselves #IBpyp 🌍 ♻️ Randolph ES RandolphIB

This week First Grade Stars expressed their learning with Kindergarten on how to take care of the Earth ! 🎥 📖 🎵 

They also shared glows 💡 and grows 🌱 with peers through reflection on their projects. #HowWeExpressOurselves #IBpyp 🌍 ♻️ <a href="/RandolphStars/">Randolph ES</a> <a href="/RandolphIBStars/">RandolphIB</a>
Kaitlyn Karian (@mrs_karian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As we begin our first Unit of Inquiry, “Who We Are,” first graders are exploring the central idea of “Members of communities have responsibilities,” as they discover their roles during math workshop. #IBpyp #Mathworkshop RandolphIB Randolph ES APS Math Office IB PYP

As we begin our first Unit of Inquiry, “Who We Are,” first graders are exploring the central idea of “Members of communities have responsibilities,” as they discover their roles during math workshop. #IBpyp #Mathworkshop <a href="/RandolphIBStars/">RandolphIB</a> <a href="/RandolphStars/">Randolph ES</a> <a href="/APSMath/">APS Math Office</a> <a href="/ibpyp/">IB PYP</a>
ms. staley (@randolphart) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Connecting to RandolphIB and Kaitlyn Karian… we collected leaves, observed the different parts of the leaf and used them for print making! Our observations help us understand how the world works 🌎 🍂 🌳 ☀️

Connecting to <a href="/RandolphIBStars/">RandolphIB</a> and <a href="/Mrs_Karian/">Kaitlyn Karian</a>… we collected leaves, observed the different parts of the leaf and used them for print making! Our observations help us understand how the world works 🌎 🍂 🌳 ☀️
ms. staley (@randolphart) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Kaitlyn Karian class made observations about the 🍁 leaves we painted & used for printmaking. “we are using 2 senses, sight and touch” - first grader ^ Randolph ES Project Zero visual thinking routine (see, think, wonder) to build curiosity & critical thinking skills 😻

<a href="/Mrs_Karian/">Kaitlyn Karian</a> class made observations about the 🍁 leaves we painted &amp; used for printmaking. “we are using 2 senses, sight and touch” 
- first grader ^ <a href="/RandolphStars/">Randolph ES</a> <a href="/ProjectZero/">Project Zero</a> visual thinking routine (see, think, wonder) to build curiosity &amp; critical thinking skills 😻
Kaitlyn Karian (@mrs_karian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

First graders are practicing scientists, making observations and exploring the world around them in our “How the World Works” unit! 👀

First graders are practicing scientists, making observations and exploring the world around them in our “How the World Works” unit! 👀