ThisisTaboo (@mroverdose3000) 's Twitter Profile


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calendar_today13-06-2023 21:00:06

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ߝߊߡߊ ߛߏߙߌ߬ߓߊ߫ (@princecamarasl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Inter-African Trade,Diplomacy and Customary law in pre-colonial Africa: African entities from centralised states to decentralised polities had long been conducting diplomacy and forming treaties. Resulting in large areas of landmass developing a “universal common customary law”

Inter-African Trade,Diplomacy and Customary law in pre-colonial Africa:

African entities from centralised states to decentralised polities had long been conducting diplomacy and forming treaties. Resulting in large areas of landmass developing a “universal common customary law”
꛲ꚸꚧꛂ Kamji ꛲ꚸꚧꛂ (@kamjiverse) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Cheikh Anta Diop is easily the most disrespected Afrikan scholar of all time due to the political implications of his work that challenge western hegemony.

Great House (@xspotsdamark) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In 1856, renowned British ethnologist Sir Richard Burton was told by Somali nomads that mosquitoes transmitted malaria, a claim he dismissed as "a ridiculous superstition". In 1902, British doctor Ronald Ross won the Nobel for "discovering" that mosquitoes transmitted malaria

isaac Samuel (@rhaplord) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Aristocratic women of Kongo, ca. 1663 a 17th century visitor remarked that the government in Kongo was held by women, and modern anthropologists often include Kongo within central Africa's "matrilineal belt" my next article is on Women's political power and Matrilinity in Kongo

Aristocratic women of Kongo, ca. 1663

a 17th century visitor remarked that the government in Kongo was held by women, and modern anthropologists often include Kongo within central Africa's "matrilineal belt"

my next article is on Women's political power and Matrilinity in Kongo
Dwayne Wong (@domowale) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I was asked today about the difference between the Egyptian cross and the Christian cross. The Egyptian symbol (the ankh) represents life. The Christian symbol represents the barbarity of Roman civilization.

I was asked today about the difference between the Egyptian cross and the Christian cross. The Egyptian symbol (the ankh) represents life. The Christian symbol represents the barbarity of Roman civilization.
Massimo (@rainmaker1973) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This simple gif shows the effect of the Mercator projection on the real size of continents and countries on a planisphere [🎞️ Jakub Nowosad]

ߝߊߡߊ ߛߏߙߌ߬ߓߊ߫ (@princecamarasl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ibn Battuta description of the ethics amongst the people people of the Mali empire and how well foreigners are treated “They are seldom unjust and have a greater abhorrence of injustice than any other people”

Ibn Battuta description of the ethics amongst the people people of the Mali empire and how well foreigners are treated 

“They are seldom unjust and have a greater abhorrence of injustice than any other people”