Matthijs Rooduijn (@mrooduijn) 's Twitter Profile
Matthijs Rooduijn


Political sociologist | University of Amsterdam | populism & radicalism | voting & public opinion | Stuk Rood Vlees

ID: 2511142274

link calendar_today20-05-2014 18:43:51

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Tarik Abou-Chadi (@tabouchadi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It is really worth listening to what Tim Walz has to say about (progressive) politics. For the contemporary left also in Europe, Walz has an important message that goes against the Zeitgeist of how these parties have seen themselves and their voters. 🧵…

Tarik Abou-Chadi (@tabouchadi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Important research-based account by Vicente Valentim on how elite rhetoric has normalized the far right and how this normalization has contributed to the far-right riots we are currently witnessing. Essential reading to understand what's going on right now…

Noam Gidron (@noamgidron) 's Twitter Profile Photo

There is research on the implications of social status for voting, but how are perceptions of status formed? This great EJPR journal paper by Magda Breyer traces the economic and cultural roots of status, specifically occupation and race. Worth reading!…

There is research on the implications of social status for voting, but how are perceptions of status formed? This great <a href="/EJPRjournal/">EJPR journal</a> paper by <a href="/magda_breyer/">Magda Breyer</a> traces the economic and cultural roots of status, specifically occupation and race. Worth reading!…
EJPR journal (@ejprjournal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📘 August issue How do voters react to local school and hospital closures? 🗳️ Using data from 🇩🇰 from 2005-2019, Niels Nyholt finds that mayors lose support 📉 and right-wing #populist parties increase their support 📈 #OA #VotingBehaviour

British Jnl Poli Sci (@bjpols) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#OpenAccess from our latest issue - The PopuList: A Database of Populist, Far-Left, and Far-Right Parties Using Expert-Informed Qualitative Comparative Classification (EiQCC) - - Matthijs Rooduijn, Prof. Daphne Halikiopoulou, Caterina Froio (, Paul Taggart et al

#OpenAccess from our latest issue -

The PopuList: A Database of Populist, Far-Left, and Far-Right Parties Using Expert-Informed Qualitative Comparative Classification (EiQCC) -

- <a href="/mrooduijn/">Matthijs Rooduijn</a>, <a href="/halikiopoulou/">Prof. Daphne Halikiopoulou</a>, <a href="/CaterinaFroio/">Caterina Froio (</a>, <a href="/PaulAdamTaggart/">Paul Taggart</a> et al
Cas Mudde (@casmudde) 's Twitter Profile Photo

As more and more scholars are threatened by authoritarianism and war, Scholars At Risk is in dire need of support. Political scientist (Peter) Luca Versteegen is running the Idre Mountain Marathon to collect donations for Scholars at Risk. You can donate here 👇…

UvA Maatschappij & Gedrag (@fmg_uva) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🧠🔍🔓Lukt het jou om de code kraken? Kom testen hoe goed jij presteert onder druk in De Glazen Cabine op LowLands! 📍LL Science, naast de Alpha.

Cas Mudde (@casmudde) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Reading Tip! I get the impression that this excellent article by Tom van der Meer & Bastiaan Rijpkema has not gotten the readership it deserves. Essential reading for people concerned about democratic erosion!…

Diane Bolet (@dianebolet) 's Twitter Profile Photo

In light of the UK extreme-right (ER) riots & Tommy Robinson's role in them, our conditionally accepted British Jnl Poli Sci paper w/Florian Foos shows a causal effect of media exposure to extreme right actors, incl. Robinson, on support for extreme right views:… 1/11

Tarik Abou-Chadi (@tabouchadi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Such an important piece to better understand the role of the media in normalizing the far right. I so wish that there'd be an actually critical reflection within the media on how they treat the far right. I am sure many researchers would be happy to contribute.

Léonie de Jonge / (@l_dejonge) 's Twitter Profile Photo

“How to perform a crisis”. Faber doet het eens voor… 👉 Het uitroepen van een ‘crisis’ is een vast onderdeel van het radicaal rechts-populistische draaiboek:…

Daniel Bischof 🧐 (@danbischof) 's Twitter Profile Photo

How do citizens perceive democratic norms, and how do these perceptions influence their support for democracy? Our new study, across 14 countries, digs into the social norms that sustain—or undermine—democratic stability. #Democracy link to paper: 🧵

How do citizens perceive democratic norms, and how do these perceptions influence their support for democracy? 
Our new study, across 14 countries, digs into the social norms that sustain—or undermine—democratic stability.  #Democracy
link to paper:
Prof. Sarah de Lange (@sldelange) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Uitstekende reportage van Haro Kraak over de extreemrechtse Geuzenbond en GNSV. Hopelijk voor altijd duidelijk voor Nederlandse universiteiten waar ze mee te maken hebben

Christian Pipal (@christianpipal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

⚠️ Just two days left to apply, deadline is this Friday! If you are into polcomm, social media, and data: please apply if you want to do a PhD 🥳⚠️

Noam Gidron (@noamgidron) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A nice review of the quickly-expanding comparative research on affective polarization -- including comments from Jim Adams on our work (with Will Horne) on how types of ideological disputes and economic circumstances relate to partisan dislike.…

Zeth Isaksson (@zethisaksson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🍻Does alcohol availability influence support for radical right-wing parties? 🍻 In my latest paper, I explore whether a decreasing number of places with alcohol-serving permits affects support for the radical right in Sweden. OA here:…

Tarik Abou-Chadi (@tabouchadi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

More systematically: The share of asylum seekers in a district and the share of foreign born in a district is negatively correlated with the AfD vote. There is also no positive correlation between the change of these and voting for the AfD…

Vicente Valentim (@valentimvicente) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨 My book is out today: 🚨 2024 has been full of elections. In many, radical-right politicians made important electoral gains. My book hopes to contribute to debates on the rise of these politicians by putting forward a theory around social norms. 1/23

🚨 My book is out today: 🚨

2024 has been full of elections. In many, radical-right politicians made important electoral gains.

My book hopes to contribute to debates on the rise of these politicians by putting forward a theory around social norms.

Tarik Abou-Chadi (@tabouchadi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

It‘s great to see some coverage of the far right success in Germany that takes seriously the perspective of those most negatively affected and most threatened by the far right. Glad to have contributed to this piece by Ashifa Kassam…