Brian Black
Mostly Jesus, especially miraculous healing, teachings and videos of healings as seen in Billy Burke, Randy Clark and Todd White ministries.
ID: 1503461403465760775
14-03-2022 20:01:56
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David L. Allen Brian Simmons Peter J. Williams Daniel B. Wallace Since we seldom see mountains move in response to our prayers, I re-evaluated the translation of a key word in Mk 11:22-24.

renner.org/videos/who-wer… Rick Renner did a really nice show today providing historical background info about the Christmas story, specifically asking who were the Magi. Rick Renner

Check out my review of @MichaelCoren's book titled Epiphany Joe Dallas Preston Sprinkle. We have lost our perspective of what is important. Becket Cook biblereflections2016.wordpress.com/2024/03/12/cri…

Re Iran's attack on Israel, the Israelis should respond w restraint. There were zero casualties in Israel & restraint will promote Israel in court of public opinion. The 700 Club Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו President Biden

Remember when God used Babylon to discipline Israel for their lack of devotion in OT? Now God is using Iran & Hamas for same reason. Israel needs a deep awe of God, rather than awe of new idol of freedom/democracy The 700 Club John Bevere

The Jews crucified Jesus, then rebelled against Roman rule & got slaughtered in 70AD for their arrogance. Now President Biden dithers over how much support to provide Israel, while Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו plans aggressive response to Iran's attack that killed zero The 700 Club John Bevere

youtube.com/watch?v=cg3ocQ… . @Tribal_trails shows are not as glowing as Caucasian Christian shows. But I enjoy that I hear no pretense, exaggeration, embellishment, trickery or coercion in their stories. Sid Roth, Daystar Television, Dr. Doug Weiss could learn something from them.

May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, give me spiritual wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him; opening the eyes of my heart Eph 1:17,18 (adapted from TPT ESV, Wallace Ex Syn p90,91) Brian Simmons Daniel B. Wallace 1 of 2

to know the hope of His gloriously rich inheritance, and His surpassingly great power directed to me as a believer according to the mighty power Eph 1:18 (adapted from TPT, ESV Wallace Ex Syn p90,91) Brian Simmons Daniel B. Wallace 2 of 2

A few weeks ago Gordon The 700 Club was advising us to "hold ur nose" when deciding whether to vote for Trump. Oddly, after the felony conviction Gordon reacted w anger & complaining. Is "complaining" a new fruit of the Spirit? Sure hear lot of complaining on The 700 Club

daystar.tv/player/37109/3… Earlier interview w Karen Wheaton Daystar Television

kcm.org/watch/tv-broad… An outstanding series of 10 discussions of the goodness of God, & how to obtain His blessings. Jerry Savelle Kenneth Copeland Brian Gary Steeves

Interesting statement, We are not saved by "faith and works", but by "the faith that does works". Dr. James Merritt Vlad Savchuk

youtube.com/watch?v=OTkH4D… Clark Beckham has a really unusual conversion testimony story, going forward countless times as a child, then being transformed when he went forward at 18 yrs of age Brian Gary Steeves