Morgan Freeman
That actor whose voice you recognize.
ID: 1205263338965323776
https://m.facebook.com/MorganFreeman/ 12-12-2019 23:09:21
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The @Food_Fight_USA announcement at the premiere screening of Food, Inc. 2 in DC! With Todd Wagner, @MCuban, the incredible director of our documentary The C Word Meghan O'Hara, Senator Raphael Warnock, actor/comedian Chris Tucker, and my dear friend Farah Ahmed! 👍🏼

Exciting news! We're developing a fantastic series, "Nazarenes," about the secret Jewish Christian movement that emerged after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. @MorganFreeman #JohnChristianPlummer @Sprowsie #GaryLucchesi Sony Pictures #AffirmTelevision loom.ly/BZf1Yos

Congratulations to my fellow @KennedyCenter Honor recipients 2024: @FrancisFordCoppola, the Grateful Dead, @BonnieRaittOfficial, @Arturo_Sandoval_Arocha and the apollotheater. Your outstanding artistic achievements have been a great gift to American culture.

On this #InternationalDayofFriendship I want to acknowledge my long-time business partner and friend Lori McCreary at Revelations. We met in 1992 and founded #RevelationsEntertainment five years later. She’s an incredibly gifted woman and… a dear friend.