mónica bello (@monica_bello) 's Twitter Profile
mónica bello


Art Historian, Science, Curator & Head of Arts at CERN in Genève, @artsatCERN @CERN

ID: 143380780

linkhttps://arts.cern calendar_today13-05-2010 09:26:07

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Arts at CERN (@artsatcern) 's Twitter Profile Photo

At the Igrexa da Universidade in Santiago de Compostela, Armin Linke invites us to engage with his two-decade artistic exploration of the dynamics of laboratory life and how science profoundly shapes our world. Visit ‘Instruments of Vision’ until 28 Aug: instrumentosdevision.igfae.usc.es

At the Igrexa da Universidade in Santiago de Compostela, <a href="/ArminLinke/">Armin Linke</a> invites us to engage with his two-decade artistic exploration of the dynamics of laboratory life and how science profoundly shapes our world.

Visit ‘Instruments of Vision’ until 28 Aug: instrumentosdevision.igfae.usc.es
⚡ Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías ⚛️ (@igfae_hep) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🗣️🖼️ Queres coñecer a exposición "Instrumentos de Visión" nunha visita guiada? 🗓️ 16 e 23 de xullo; 20 e 27 de agosto, de 19.00 a 20.00 horas. 📝 Reserva a túa praza en instrumentosdevision.igfae.usc.es. ➕info: igfae.usc.es/igfae/gl/progr…

🗣️🖼️ Queres coñecer a exposición "Instrumentos de Visión" nunha visita guiada?

🗓️ 16 e 23 de xullo; 20 e 27 de agosto, de 19.00 a 20.00 horas.

📝 Reserva a túa praza en instrumentosdevision.igfae.usc.es.

➕info: igfae.usc.es/igfae/gl/progr…
Greenpeace Galicia (@greenpeace_gal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Ola, son Luís Zahera e a miña terra, Galicia, está en perigo". #AltriNON Asina, que queremos levarlle á Xunta un cuarto de millón (ou máis) de sinaturas contra esta desfeita!! ✍️es.greenpeace.org/es/que-puedes-…

⚡ Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías ⚛️ (@igfae_hep) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🗣️ mónica bello , head of @artsatcern and curator of ‘Instruments of Vision’, explains how the exhibition by Armin Linke and his team has transformed the Igrexa da USC Área de Cultura USC in #SantiagodeCompostela

Arts at CERN (@artsatcern) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This week we welcomed Jaione Camborda Coll! 🎬 Awarded the Golden Shell at Donostia Zinemaldia - Festival de San Sebastián last year for her film O'Corno, the Spanish filmmaker has been conducting research at CERN for an upcoming art commission. The project is supported by Arts at CERN, Tabakalera, and DIPC.

This week we welcomed <a href="/JaioneCC/">Jaione Camborda Coll</a>! 🎬

Awarded the Golden Shell at <a href="/sansebastianfes/">Donostia Zinemaldia - Festival de San Sebastián</a> last year for her film O'Corno, the Spanish filmmaker has been conducting research at <a href="/CERN/">CERN</a> for an upcoming art commission.

The project is supported by Arts at CERN, <a href="/tabakalera/">Tabakalera</a>, and <a href="/DIPCehu/">DIPC</a>.
⚡ Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías ⚛️ (@igfae_hep) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🗞️En Babelia, Ángela Molina escribe sobre a exposición "Instrumentos de Visión", de Armin Linke. O proxecto conmemora o 25º aniversario do IGFAE e os 70 anos da fundación do CERN. 🔗📰 elpais.com/babelia/2024-0…

🗞️En <a href="/babelia_elpais/">Babelia</a>, Ángela Molina escribe sobre a exposición "Instrumentos de Visión", de Armin Linke. 

O proxecto conmemora o 25º aniversario do IGFAE e os 70 anos da fundación do <a href="/CERN/">CERN</a>. 

🔗📰 elpais.com/babelia/2024-0…
Arts at CERN (@artsatcern) 's Twitter Profile Photo

➡️ Meet Lou Masduraud: one of our Connect India residents Through sculpture and installation, the Geneva-based artist explores the network of human activities through formal and material investigations of everyday elements, proposing alternative narratives to dominant realities.

➡️ Meet Lou Masduraud: one of our Connect India residents

Through sculpture and installation, the Geneva-based artist explores the network of human activities through formal and material investigations of everyday elements, proposing alternative narratives to dominant realities.
⚡ Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías ⚛️ (@igfae_hep) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢"Instrumentos de Visión" estende a súa apertura en Santiago de Compostela ata o sábado 21 de setembro. 📊Máis de 30.000 persoas visitaron a exposición do artista Armin Linke na Igrexa da USC. 📰igfae.usc.es/igfae/gl/instr…

📢"Instrumentos de Visión" estende a súa apertura en Santiago de Compostela ata o sábado 21 de setembro.

📊Máis de 30.000 persoas visitaron a exposición do artista Armin Linke na Igrexa da <a href="/UniversidadeUSC/">USC</a>.

Arts at CERN (@artsatcern) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join us at Ars Electronica from 4-8 September! As the winners of European Commission’s STARTS Grand Prize for Innovative collaboration, we’ll present an exhibition that explores CERN’s unique environment for creativity, collaboration, and artistic inquiry: starts.eu/agenda/starts-…

Join us at <a href="/ArsElectronica/">Ars Electronica</a> from 4-8 September!

As the winners of <a href="/EU_Commission/">European Commission</a>’s <a href="/STARTSEU/">STARTS</a> Grand Prize for Innovative collaboration, we’ll present an exhibition that explores <a href="/CERN/">CERN</a>’s unique environment for creativity, collaboration, and artistic inquiry: starts.eu/agenda/starts-…
Arts at CERN (@artsatcern) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join us at the Ars Electronica's Festival Town Hall on 5 Sep! As part of our STARTS Grand Prize, this open session is a chance to learn more about our programs and discuss how art and science collaborations can be mutually enriching and beneficial: ars.electronica.art/hope/de/events…

Join us at the <a href="/ArsElectronica/">Ars Electronica</a>'s Festival Town Hall on 5 Sep!

As part of our <a href="/STARTSEU/">STARTS</a> Grand Prize, this open session is a chance to learn more about our programs and discuss how art and science collaborations can be mutually enriching and beneficial: ars.electronica.art/hope/de/events…
Arts at CERN (@artsatcern) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We were honored to receive the STARTS Grand Prize for Innovative Collaboration by the @EU_Commison. It was accepted by mónica bello, Head of Arts at CERN A huge thanks to the jury, scientists, artists, and audiences for your continuous contributions and support!

We were honored to receive the <a href="/STARTSEU/">STARTS</a> Grand Prize for Innovative Collaboration by the @EU_Commison. It was accepted by <a href="/monica_bello/">mónica bello</a>, Head of Arts at CERN

A huge thanks to the jury, scientists, artists, and audiences for your continuous contributions and support!
Arts at CERN (@artsatcern) 's Twitter Profile Photo

At Ars Electronica, our STARTS Grand Prize exhibition showcased CERN's historical engagement with the arts and the evolution of our programs – from residencies to commissions and exhibitions that connect art, science, and society. Thank you to all our visitors!

At <a href="/ArsElectronica/">Ars Electronica</a>, our <a href="/STARTSEU/">STARTS</a> Grand Prize exhibition showcased <a href="/CERN/">CERN</a>'s historical engagement with the arts and the evolution of our programs – from residencies to commissions and exhibitions that connect art, science, and society.

Thank you to all our visitors!
Fundación Bunge y Born (@fundacionbyb) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Nueva masterclass de Presente Continuo 🎨🧪 El miércoles 25/9 a las 17h la curadora e historiadora de arte mónica bello (España - Suiza) presentará “Curaduría en Arte y Ciencia: retos del trabajo interdisciplinar en la cultura contemporánea”, en el marco de nuestro programa

Nueva masterclass de Presente Continuo 🎨🧪

El miércoles 25/9 a las 17h la curadora e historiadora de arte <a href="/monica_bello/">mónica bello</a> (España - Suiza) presentará “Curaduría en Arte y Ciencia: retos del trabajo interdisciplinar en la cultura contemporánea”, en el marco de nuestro programa
Arts at CERN (@artsatcern) 's Twitter Profile Photo

‘Moments of clarity and lucidity mixed up with vertigo and a mind grasping for solid ground This summer, andy gracie explored at CERN ‘The Ends of Everything,’ , crafting narratives around the end of the Universe and investigating where science gives way to speculation.

‘Moments of clarity and lucidity mixed up with vertigo and a mind grasping for solid ground

This summer, <a href="/AndyGracie/">andy gracie</a> explored at <a href="/CERN/">CERN</a> ‘The Ends of Everything,’ , crafting narratives around the end of the Universe and investigating where science gives way to speculation.
Fundación Baluarte (@fundbaluarte) 's Twitter Profile Photo

5⃣ La historiadora de arte, mónica bello, junto con el físico J.J. Gómez Cadenas dialogarán sobre el papel de la creación artística y de la física para abordar las preguntas más profundas. ⌚️17:00 h. 📍Baluarte 🗨️ Pensar y observar aquello que no vemos losencuentrosdepamplona.com/eventos/pensar…

5⃣ La historiadora de arte, <a href="/monica_bello/">mónica bello</a>, junto con el físico <a href="/JuanJoseGomezC1/">J.J. Gómez Cadenas</a> dialogarán sobre el papel de la creación artística y de la física para abordar las preguntas más profundas.
⌚️17:00 h.
📍<a href="/baluarte/">Baluarte</a>
🗨️ Pensar y observar aquello que no vemos
Arts at CERN (@artsatcern) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢 #Opencall: Connect In partnership with @prohelvetia, we invite artists and collectives from or based in Switzerland to apply for a fully funded residency at CERN, dedicated to artistic research in dialogue with scientists. 🔗Apply by 11 November: arts.cern/call/connect-2…

📢 #Opencall: Connect

In partnership with @prohelvetia, we invite artists and collectives from or based in Switzerland to apply for a fully funded residency at <a href="/CERN/">CERN</a>, dedicated to artistic research in dialogue with scientists.

🔗Apply by 11 November: arts.cern/call/connect-2…
Arts at CERN (@artsatcern) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📅 Save the date: the CERN Art and Science Summit returns on 5 February 2025! Following this year's successful edition, it will gather artists, scientists, and thinkers from literature, philosophy, and music. Registration opens in December—stay tuned for the programme!

📅 Save the date: the <a href="/CERN/">CERN</a> Art and Science Summit returns on 5 February 2025!

Following this year's successful edition, it will gather artists, scientists, and thinkers from literature, philosophy, and music.

Registration opens in December—stay tuned for the programme!