🇱🇧 MA International Affairs | Middle East specialist | LAU - Researcher | Writer | Analyst 📚Civil & Environmental Engineer
ID: 1049752453753839619
09-10-2018 20:04:23
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Since the outbreak of the war, I have been closely monitoring the situation of the displaced, the reactions of the host communities, and the social and political dynamics of their interaction. I summarized these observations in my article for #Carnegie: carnegieendowment.org/middle-east/di…

The Hezbollah–Israel Conflict: Strategic Calculus, Regional Fallout, and Prospects for Resolution Join us for a panel discussion with Maha Yahya, Mohanad Hage Ali ~ مهند الحاج علي, Sanam Vakil صنم وكىل, and Michael Young 🗓️October 14 ⌚️4:00-5:00 PM Beirut 📺carnegieendowment.org/events/2024/10…

Israel has created a humanitarian crisis for over 2 million people, but communities have stepped up to help … for now. MohamadMFawaz discusses. carnegieendowment.org/middle-east/di…

تسبّبت إسرائيل بأزمة إنسانية لأكثر من مليون شخص، إلا أن المجتمعات المحلية سارعت إلى تقديم المساعدة... حتى الآن. MohamadMFawaz يناقش. carnegieendowment.org/middle-east/di…