Min Zhu
PhD student at @CEDemografia; interested in gender inequality, family dynamics, labour market, and internal migration in China
ID: 1449733907587416065
17-10-2021 13:48:16
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Congratulations to our team! Selena Anjur-Dietrich Anna Tort-Carrera (she/her) Eleonora Miaci ! Thanks Ilya Kashnitsky — bsky @ikashnitsky.phd have a great week with you in the summer school of CED Barcelona !

Very proud of Min Zhu for her first PhD paper publication in Pop, Space and Place. A really nice piece of research on couple's migration in China. Check it out doi.org/10.1002/psp.27… CED Barcelona Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

VISITING SCHOLAR - Min Zhu from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona joins LIVES Université de Lausanne research team until mid-April 2024. Her doctoral research focuses on #gender #inequality within the context of internal #migration in #China. centre-lives.ch/en/actualite/i…

🆕 🔓 Paper by our researchers Sergi Vidal Sergi Vidal and Maike Van Damme How do family life courses evolve after the dissolution of a first union? How do these processes vary across socio-historical contexts? 👇 doi.org/10.1111/jomf.1…

📢Tomorrow we have UNED Inequality Seminar! 👉 Sergi Vidal (Sergi Vidal) will present a study analysing occupational outcomes of migration within Italy. 📍7pm @ UNED Gregorio Marañón (Calle Argumosa, 3 - Lavapiés, Madrid). See you there!

We are ready for #EPC2024 @eaps_eu! Here is the guide to the presentations by LIFELONGMOVE team members and coauthors: Claudia Brunori Sergi Vidal Carlos Sanz-PĂ©rez Min Zhu Carla Grindel

Sergi Vidal (Sergi Vidal), professor de SociologiaUAB i investigador del CED Barcelona, escollit membre del nou Consell de l’EAPS (EAPS), una organitzaciĂł professional sense Ă nim de lucre que promou l’estudi de la poblaciĂł. #UAB Facultat de Ciències PolĂtiques i deSociologia UAB uab.cat/web/sala-de-pr…