Mme Pennell
Grade 3 French Immersion Teacher
ID: 1521273428040466432
02-05-2022 23:42:18
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🚨 Stay tuned Cowan Heights School … You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch, but we’re ready for some festive fun! We have an exciting day planned for Monday 👀

Our Grade Three Students are looking forward to our Kindness Day Concert on Wednesday Feb.28th #pinkshirtday Cowan Heights School Lesa Pennell Danielle M. Bishop Ms. Burke

Grade Three Kindness Day Concert! #gobekind #pinkshirtday Cowan Heights School Ms. Burke Danielle M. Bishop Mme Pennell S. Maher

Mme Pennell Ms. Burke Danielle M. Bishop more adorable pics from our concert Cowan Heights School

What a wonderful visit we had this afternoon from our very own NL local children’s author Rebecca Gladney!! We thoroughly enjoyed listening to Chirp’s Large Day & her newest book Chirp’s Westend Wander!! We cannot wait for her next book to come out!! Merci Rebecca Gladney! 📚