Michelle Marshalian
Economist at the OECD working on rural development, Labour market analysis, Firm-level analysis, Regional development, Impact Evaluation. I code for fun.
ID: 138360002
29-04-2010 09:54:06
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Coronavirus has transformed work but risks snuffing out a creative spark ft.com/content/788b8a… via Financial Times

European Research and Innovation Days | European Commission europa.eu/!KK34fB via European Commission

Besides the #earthquakeLA this morning, it's now occurred to me that a #coronavirus #vaccine could also split America ft.com/content/89b908… via Financial Times

There’s no place like home — and the labour market needs to adjust via Financial Times on.ft.com/3aF2f7a

📅 Next session of OECD ➡️ Better Policies for Better Lives Regional Economics Seminar (13 December): We are thrilled to host Anna Maria Mayda (Georgetown University) who will discuss the impact of immigration on local public goods and finances in the US and Italy. To register: 👇 meetoecd1.zoom.us/meeting/regist…