Monika Kreutz
ID: 4408830083
07-12-2015 21:28:20
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Auf der Suche nach einer tollen Stelle mit Schwerpunkt Digitalpolitik? In einem internationalen Umfeld? Mit kreativen, innovativen und netten Kolleg*innen? An der Schnittstelle zwischen Politik, Think Tanks, NGOS und Wirtschaft? Dann haben wir genau das Richtige bei Aspen Germany
New #SpotOn policy brief on #disinformation published! In the light of generative AI & a tightening geopolitical environment, what is & needs to be done in EU/GER against #disinformation? Our SpotOn is part of the series Democracy 2.0 w/ Microsoft Berlin.…
Heute beginnt der NATO-Gipfel in Vilnius. Dr. Ben Schreer IISS gibt im Gespräch mit Stormy Mildner @Aspengermany und Julia Friedlander einen Ausblick auf die geopolitischen Herausforderungen, die das Treffen bestimmen werden. Zum Podcast:…
Today, we look back at impressions from our June meeting of the U.S.-German #ForumFutureAg in Illinois. The 1st cohort of 16 German & U.S. arable farmers & ag stakeholders convened to focus on the topic of climate & ag. Thanks to College of ACES, our participants, and hosts!
Yoga and European Society of Hypertension GL in the German News tbd ESH Annual Meetings #ESH2024 (S+) Neue Studien aus Indien und Kanada: Wie Menschen mit Herzproblemen von Yoga profitieren kön nen… via DER SPIEGEL
#DemocracyForward2023 Let the exchange of knowledge begin! This morning, our participants assembled for seminars on the state of democracy and on the challenges testing our systems. Our moderators Felix Nissen, Heather Sonn, Pallav Patankar and Patricia Zalamea animated the discussion.
Many thanks to more than 2T participants at #ESH2024 of ESH Annual Meetings. It was a great honor and pleasure to welcome so many colleagues and friends. With multiple highlights including the presentation of the 2024 Clinical Practice Guidelines of European Society of Hypertension and the MASTERplan