Michael Jako
ID: 798780488248721408
16-11-2016 06:51:23
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55 Following

Happy to announce that me and Michael Jako just released our new @CSGO map set in fictional Grizzly County, US. Here is a short video we made which includes few locations from the map. youtube.com/watch?v=qKjSdf… and here is a workshop link: steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/fi… Mapcore

I was an artist on Hive. Very happy to share my work with everyone! :) I worked with @LizardPL and Michael Jako on this last summer.

Once again I’m super happy to contribute to @CSGO community. This time with a wingman map “Hive” that I worked on with talented Will "celery" Granda Michael Jako. Hope you will enjoy it!

After some time I decided to upload screenshots of my and Michael Jako CS2 map "County" to ArtStation.com artstation.com/artwork/5vOmbA