Provo YSA 2nd Stake  (@mission1000000) 's Twitter Profile
Provo YSA 2nd Stake


ID: 2183477863

calendar_today09-11-2013 03:11:10

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Provo YSA 2nd Stake  (@mission1000000) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Christ is anxiously waiting for us to talk to Him. Got a problem? Let's work on it! - Sunday School discussion #touchamillionlives

Provo YSA 2nd Stake  (@mission1000000) 's Twitter Profile Photo

No-one of us is less treasured or cherished of God than another. He loves each of us- insecurities, anxieties, self-image and all. E Holland

Provo YSA 2nd Stake  (@mission1000000) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us, but those who win battles we know nothing about.#letstouchamillionlives

Provo YSA 2nd Stake  (@mission1000000) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"One reason we struggle with insecurity: we're comparing our behind-the-scenes to everyone else's highlight reel." - Steve Furtick